B2B Podcasting | A show about B2B sales & marketing

b2b marketers find which type of content most effective

Written by Kap Chatfield | 11/11/21 8:20 PM
The market is flooded with an incredible amount of marketing strategies, and they all provide different levels of value for your B2B business. 
However, there is one strategy that gets you the most bang for your buck—a video podcast.  
In our most recent episode, we’ll give you six reasons why a B2B video podcast is the best route to take for your business.
Join us as Kap unpacks this thought and shares his personal experience for B2B brands. This is an episode you wont want to miss.  
Link for the full episode in comments  
Main Takeaways:
A video podcast allows B2B companies to build a captive audience
A video podcast helps produce multiple forms of content
Learn to repurpose your content at scale with a B2B video podcast 
Demonstrate your depth of expertise with a video podcast
Grow your network with guests on your video podcast
00:00-04:35 | What are the biggest advantages to a video podcast?
04:35-07:29 | How a video podcast allows you to build a captive audience
07:29-08:58 | Your video podcast content can be consumed in multiple ways
08:58-10:17 | How to repurpose your video podcast content at scale
10:17-12:21 | A video podcast allows you to demonstrate a depth of expertise
12:21-14:40 | Learn to provide value instead of appearing salesy
14:40-17:24 | A video podcast allows you to cross-network with guests
78% of consumers believe that organizations providing custom content are interested in building good relationships.“ - Kap Chatfield
Good content allows you to build a relationship with an audience, even while you sleep.” - Kap Chatfield
A video podcast allows you to build a captive audience and cut through the white noise of all the other marketing channels.“ - Kap Chatfield
When people feel like they're being sold to, they feel like they're playing defense.“ - Kap Chatfield
When people come to a video podcast, they're expecting to receive something of value, something that's going to be helpful for them — and that's what keeps them coming back.” - Kap Chatfield
A video podcast is the most effective type of content, because it is the best way to build relationship with your customers and with your audience.“ - Kap Chatfield
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Full transcription: 

Kap Chatfield  00:20

Hey, today on B2B Podcasting, I'm gonna be answering the question, which type of content do B2B Marketers find most effective? My name is Kap Chatfield, I'm the host of B2B Podcasting. I'm also the CEO of Rveal Media, we help businesses drive revenue through content. Simple as that. And as we answer this question today, which type of content do b2b marketers find most effective? There's a type of content that I believe is the most effective. There's so many different types that you can do. I mean, you can write content, you can do audio, you could do video, you could do graphics, you can do infographics, slideshows, webinars, but what type of content is actually the most effective to help b2b brands accomplish their objectives, which for the most part is going to be to drive revenue? And so a lot of different b2b marketers are going to have different answers. Let me just start off by saying, I don't have the corner market on this thought. And one thing that I've discovered, in my short career of doing b2b marketing is that it's tempting, as a b2b marketer to pick a hill that you're going to die on based off of what works for you, what you're really good at, what you like to do. And for you, as a b2b marketer to say, "this is the only way that really works today". I've been guilty of that, and other b2b marketers that are watching are probably said or heard a similar thing. But here's the challenge, as I'm going through understanding my own philosophies, about b2b marketing, there are so many ways to do it. And some people are building their business strictly off of SEO, which is search engine optimization. So being found in Google. Others are doing theirs, completely, they're building their business completely using social media, even things like Snapchat, and Tiktok, and Pinterest. And that's all that they're focusing on. Others are doing paid media strategies, others are focusing on email marketing. Shoot, some people have businesses that are strictly being are strictly growing, I should say, because of word of mouth, and because of referrals. Now, I don't think it's necessarily wise to just stick to one and not kind of diversify your portfolio of marketing strategy. However, what this has shown me over the years, is that there isn't always just like, this is the one way to do it. I think it depends on your business model. It depends on on your your preferences, what are you good at? What are you how are you good at communicating? Or which avenue are you best at communicating in regarding marketing? What is typical in your industry? What are your customers like? What What are your clients like to do in order to find new businesses to work with? And so all these factors come into play. So I'm not saying that this is the one and only way that I'm about to share with you right now. But I am convinced that this is the smartest, most resourceful, most efficient, and ultimately most effective way for b2b brands to market their product or their service. It's not by just writing blog posts. It's not just by posting graphics on social media. It's not just by doing webinars. It's not just by writing amazing email copy, as important as all of those things are. But my philosophy is that the best, the most effective content type for b2b brands is a video podcast. And let me explain why. 


Kap Chatfield  03:46

Number one, the first reason is that building doing a video podcast allows a company to build a captive audience. Number two, doing a video podcast allows a b2b brand to produce multiple methods of consumption of that content for their audience. Number three, doing it via video podcast allows a b2b brand to repurpose their content at scale. We'll go through all this in a little bit. Number four, doing a video podcast allows a b2b brand to demonstrate a depth of expertise with every piece of content. Number five, doing a b2b video podcast allows these brands to provide value instead of appearing salesy. And then finally, Number Six, doing a video podcast allows these b2b brands to cross network with guests on their show. 


Kap Chatfield  04:35

Let's start with number one. So doing a video podcast allows you to actually build a captive audience. One thing that we say Rveal Media as we help our customers or clients create content in an episodic way, in order to drive revenue. We tell our clients that there's only two types of content on the internet. There's the content that you want to consume, and the content that interrupts the content that you want to consume. One's a show, and one's a commercial. And so many b2b brands are still communicating their marketing their expertise in the form of a commercial, rather than in the form of a show. Let me explain: commercials, they get muted, bypassed, ignored, scrolled, scrolled past or they just get, you know, they get washed out all together. But shows actually build captive audiences, they actually attract people, they build tribes and communities that care about the very topic that you're talking about. So doing a video podcast, it allows you to actually kind of cut through the white noise of, of white papers that are kind of boring and endless, you know, paid media ads on social media, and even on Google. And they allow you to build an audience that knows what they're gonna get. And they come back for more, especially if you're producing at a regular rate. Another thing that I think is really interesting about the captive audience that you can get from a podcast, is because you have a captive audience, you're going to get feedback about your content from regular listeners or regular consumers. And that feedback is critical. I want to share with you a really important statistic that I just discovered, this statistic says 78% of consumers 7878, that's like, over three quarters. 78% of consumers believe that organizations providing custom content, are interested in building good relationships. So think about this, think about your content, not just as a means of marketing your product or your service. But it's a way to build passive relationship with your audience. So we talk about, you know, passive, you know, income, all the time, residual income, invest in certain things that are going to grow your income so that you're basically making money in your sleep. That's what good content does for you. It allows you to build a relationship with an audience, even while you sleep. So isn't that amazing? You get to actually build an audience that becomes a feedback loop for you, so that you know how to do better content the next time around. So every time somebody comments on a LinkedIn post, every time somebody writes a review on your podcast, sends an email, or whatever, you're getting feedback from them about what they want you to talk about, what they want to hear. So that's the number one reason why it's so effective. It allows you to build a captive audience and cut through the white noise of all the other marketing channels. Okay, so that's number one. 


Kap Chatfield  07:29

Now, number two, a video podcast allows your content to be consumed in multiple methods, multiple different ways. So what do I mean by that? A video podcas, it's essentially all of your marketing mediums wrapped up into one. Do you have a video? Obviously, so that you can consume that visually on YouTube or on social media platforms. You have the audio version, which you can consume passively through your podcast platforms like Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, all of these other ones, SoundCloud, you name it. Not only that, but you can take the audio, transcribe it, turn it into a blog. Now it's a written form, a written piece of content for somebody that just wants to read it on your website. Furthermore, you can take that episode, you can cut it up into micro clips, little micro videos, quote graphics, and now you can distribute that across social media. So think about that. Just think about the resourcefulness of this. The way that I like to talk about it is, the Native Americans, when they would kill a buffalo, they were very resourceful about how they were going to use that every element of the buffalo. They're going to use the hide for something, the bones for something, the meat for something, every bit of the buffalo had a purpose. And they made sure that all those different things were used for something useful. So there's multiple methods of consumption of the podcast, that it just depends on how your audience actually wants to consume it. And now you can provide that for them because the podcast is so versatile. 


Kap Chatfield  08:58

So that actually leads into my third point. My third point is that with a video podcast, you can repurpose your content at scale. So what does that mean? That means when you're doing a full episode, a 20 to 45 minute episode, you can actually squeeze out like 30 pieces of content from one episode with all your micro content, your blog posts, even the emails that you send out because of your episode. So it allows you to get just so much more bang for your buck, because you are focusing on this macro content strategy, first, in the form of video podcast episodes. This will save you time, so that you're not focusing on creating all these little micro pieces of content. It'll save you money, because now instead of doing all these extra productions, you're focusing on one production that gets post produced at scale onto a lot of different marketing channels. And then finally, number three, you get to maximize your marketing distribution. You get to actually own attention and build an audience on more than just one platform more than just your blog. And more than just  YouTube, and more than just a podcast platform and more than just singular social media platforms. Out of one episode out of one show, you can maximize this content and distribute it on all of these marketing channels, it's pretty remarkable that you're able to do that just with one marketing initiative. 


Kap Chatfield  10:17

Okay, so number four, why is the video podcast the most effective method for most effective content type for b2b marketing? Number four, it allows you to demonstrate a depth of expertise, and a unique way that no other content really can. When we're creating content for the Internet, we are fighting for attention. Our audience, they are being bombarded by thousands, if not millions of messages every single day and every single week. So in order for us to actually reach our audience, captivate their attention and provide some value, we got to make sure that we're doing we're delivering on something that's actually interesting to them. Here's the problem that we're discovering today. Because there are so many hacks, especially for SEO, search engine optimization, in order to find the right keywords and produce a piece of content that just is like basically, a so I've heard somebody say, "keyword soup", and it's just filled with all of these keywords that can help you rank for a specific topic on Google. What is happening, the content is just becoming very vanilla. People are just kind of repurposing what everybody else is saying, they're repackaging it. A lot of people are saying the same thing, and there isn't actually a lot of value being brought in these individual pieces of content. And so what would happen, what happens is people actually expect less out of the content. But when you're doing a video podcast, whether you're going deep into a piece of you know, your own thought leadership, a point of view for your industry, or for your organization, or you're interviewing an interesting person in your industry that you know that your audience is going to be benefited by, what you're doing is you are demonstrating an expertise, you're providing even more value to that audience, you can go deeper and really reveal who you are and what you have to offer in your market. And so it's just really unique. You can't really, you're not people aren't really able to do that through these other methods. But a video podcast allows you to do it in a very systemized and very quick and efficient and effective way. So that's number four, it allows you to to demonstrate a depth of expertise. 


Kap Chatfield  12:21

Number five, it allows you to provide value, as I was saying before, instead of appearing salesy. Now, this is really important too, because like I was saying, we are just so what's the word we're, we're so fed, fed up with just receiving commercials and ads all day long. We don't want to be sold to, as we also say, when people feel like they're being sold to they feel like they're playing defense. But when you're providing value, and you're not selling but you're giving, what they do, what people do is they feel like they're playing offense, all of a sudden, they feel like that the relationship is on their terms, they can consume the content if they want, if they don't like it, they don't have to come back, or they consume one piece of content, they go to the next one. They don't feel this pressure of what's going to happen at the end of this conversation? Are they going to try to sell me by the end of the conversation or have me sign on the dotted line? That having a video podcast allows you to bypass all of that, because what you're doing is you're providing content that's actually valuable, that's interesting to your audience that helps them achieve a higher goal. And because of that, now, you're branding yourself as something of value to this individual, to this audience, so that they can keep coming back for more. And so that perhaps, maybe even they will come back and do business with you because they've enjoyed you being a leader or being a person of influence in their life that much. So it'd be, you know, when you're creating a video podcast, it doesn't come off salesy, because it's actually enjoyable to consume, you're providing value, you're providing something of interest, something of intrigue, something that's valuable to them. Here's what's also an interesting pro tip for you, you can take the micro content from those full episodes, and you can actually run them as paid media, you can actually run them as commercials. And my hypothesis and I've seen this done really well, it's extremely effective when it's done right. You can take snippets of your podcasts, run them as ads on social media, and people's guard will be down when they consume it, even though it's an ad. It is an ad, but because it's positioned and it's pulled from a piece of content, that was actually more of a value driven piece of content than just trying to get someone to buy a product. People's guards are down and they're actually more likely to consume that ad and receive the message that is built into it. 


Kap Chatfield  14:40

Okay, finally, point number six. Why do I believe that a video podcast is the most effective type of content for b2b marketing? Number six, it allows you to cross network with guests on your show. This is something that I think a lot of people, this can be manipulated, this can be used for the wrong purposes, but I do think that this is this is there is a huge win win when it comes to doing a podcast and inviting people on your show. Number one, if you're doing a video podcast and you're interviewing guests, and you have so much going on as you're running your business, interviewing guests allows you to create more content, without having to come up with the content yourself. You bring somebody on, somebody that has a unique point of view, is really good at a very specific thing in their industry, you get them to talk about their expertise on your show. Now you're creating content by having them create the content for you. So it allows you to expedite, accelerate your content creation process that much faster. Also, what happens is when you bring somebody on your show somebody who has their own audience, now their audience get inserted gets introduced to you, as your audience gets introduced, introduced to them, which allows you to expand your network, expand your influence, and possibly even expand your customer or client base. So it's extremely effective in that regard. Because when people come to a video podcast, they're expecting to receive something of value. They're not expecting to be sold to for 20 to 45 minutes, they're expecting to receive some that's going to be helpful for them. And that's what keeps them coming back. And as you continue to do that, you're going to see that you build that relationship, as we talked about before. Again, here's the statistic: 78% of consumers believe that organizations providing custom content are interested in building good relationships. When you build relationships, you're building your business, and video podcast is the most effective type of content, because it is the most effective way to build relationship with your customers and with your audience. 


Kap Chatfield  16:40

So that's it for today's episode of B2B Podcasting. Thanks so much, again, for listening, that we talked about what type of content is most effective for b2b marketing. And so again, I don't have the corner market, but I do believe in this strategy. And if you've listened to this much this long in the episode, that should be proof that this is the most effective form of content creation. So thanks again. We'll see you guys next episode of B2B Podcasting.