B2B Podcasting | A show about B2B sales & marketing

How to 8x Your Content Output in Months with a Podcast - with Phil Friedrich

Written by Kap Chatfield | 1/20/22 9:34 AM
Why haven’t you started your video podcast?  
The benefits far outweigh the difficulties, and our latest episode will prove it: 
Accelerate relationship-building
Create and refine your personal brand
Expand your capacity for business and industry
You will exponentially grow the content you produce and post for LinkedIn and other social media websites with a video podcast— and it will grow your influence and build your business. 
In the latest from B2B Podcasting, Kap sits down with Phil Friedrich, financial planner extraordinaire and host of Who Knew In the Momentpodcast.  
Their conversation will inspire you to start your own podcast and give you all the insight you need to keep it consistent with your brand and passion. 
We believe this podcast is for you. Check it out. 
Main Takeaways:
Your business relationships can grow through a video podcast
Having your own show can generate business for your personal brand
A video podcast can help sharpen your business skills
Things to focus on to start your own show
How a video podcast can inspire you for future projects
00:00-05:08 | How to get started in a career in finance
05:08-10:08 | Why you should also start a video podcast
10:08-12:37 | You can create more content than you think you can
12:37-16:08 | Use a video podcast to nurture relationships
16:08-21:07 | A video podcast is a relationship accelerator
21:07-26:23 | Tips for starting your own video podcast
26:23-31:08 | How to maximize your podcast episodes for more content
“Don't get caught up in the short term—be prepared for the long term and know that results take time.” - Phil Friedrich
 “You're always going to be too busy to do something, so it comes down to what's your priority—if helping people learn and helping them get better is a priority to you, then the time won't matter.” - Phil Friedrich
I tell people, the person I'm really competing against is the American spender—it's your delayed gratification of what you want in the future versus what you can Amazon Prime tomorrow.” - Phil Friedrich
“My goal would be that our school systems or individuals inside the country would get more knowledge and more education so that they can be setting themselves up for better financial futures.” - Phil Friedrich
“If you could start young and start teaching financial literacy at a younger age, that could really change the game for not just individuals, but generations and really the course of this country.” - Kap Chatfield
“My dad gave me $1 when I was a kid and he said, Phil, a quarter of it you have to give to the church. A quarter of it, you have to put in your piggy bank, and then 50 cents, you get to go spend.” - Phil Friedrich 
If you're going to be in sales, or if you're going to nurture a relationship, you got to be someone who really takes an interest and understands who you're trying to reach.” - Kap Chatfield
One thing that we talk about with our guests a lot about their shows is that it truly is a relationship accelerator.” - Kap Chatfield
“If you're going to start a show be committed to it and if you're going to do it be committed to doing it for the long haul, regardless of the result.” - Phil Friedrich
“Don’t spend your time, invest your time.” - Phil Friedrich
Reach out to Rveal Media:
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Check out Phil’s show, Who Knew In The Moment

Full Transcription:


Kap Chatfield  00:20

Hey gang, welcome back to B2B Podcasting, the show to help B2B CEOs, brand leaders, sales leaders and marketing leaders, skip ads and be the show. I'm your host, Kap Chatfield, CEO of Rveal Media. Today our guest is Phil Friedrich. He's actually a really good friend of mine so we have, we have that going for us. But he is more than a friend. He's just an incredible business leader. He's a financial planner, I got to add the asterik extraordinare. He's so good at what he does. He's also the best dressed person I've ever met. So hopefully, if you're watching the recording, not just listening, you can see that for yourself. We'll put up, make sure to put a photo of him wearing one of his pea coats, in one of the quote graphics as well. But he's also the host of Who Knew In The Moment, a super, really unique personal branding show that he's doing. Just building really cool relationships with people, getting to know their story. Really kind of like the success journey that a lot of people have gone on, as they look back, you know, going through seasons, where it's like, what the heck was I going through? But you know, Phil, I don't want to steal your thunder man. Just want to give you the intro. But man, I'm so grateful that you're on the show today with us. Thanks for joining us.


Phil Friedrich  01:28

Thanks for having me, man. I'm super excited. You guys are doing great work with the B2B Podcasting brand that you're creating too. So thanks for having me on.


Kap Chatfield  01:37

You bet. Well, let's jump right into it. Man, let's start a little bit with just, just an intro of who you are, what you're doing. As I mentioned, you're a financial planner extraordinare. Why don't you give us a little bit of history of how you got into that, why does it matter to you? And then I'd also like to talk about, what would you say is like your like, what do you what do you want to see happen within the industry in general?


Phil Friedrich  02:01

Yeah. So yeah, to give you a quick rundown, you know, I'm going to college. And I know that college is important, because I need to learn things. However, I also wanted to get real life experience. I was like, you know, you can only learn so much in a book. So I'm 19 and I Googled "top 10 financial internships in the United States". There only happened to be one in the state of Nebraska and it was in Lincoln. So I cold called into the Lincoln office. Long story short is they said, "We don't hire freshmen". I said, give me a chance to interview anyway. Three interviews later, they hired me. So at 19, I got started. I'm 30 now, so I've been doing this 11 years. So that was kind of a a wild intro. But yeah, that's how I got started. And, you know, inside the industry, I think something that's very interesting is a lot of people feel like, oh, man, you're with one firm, and you must do competition with other firms all the time. And don't get me wrong, you do run into a competition. But typically, I tell people, the person I'm really competing against is the American spender. Right? That's the person we're competing against. It's your delayed gratification of what you want in the future versus what you can Amazon Prime tomorrow. And so you know, my goal would be that our, our either school systems or individuals inside the country would get more knowledge and more education. So that way, they can be setting themselves up for better financial futures.


Kap Chatfield  03:29

Let's go, let's go. So I'm guessing you put a test to we don't need to go too deep into like the education system and how it could totally be reformed. I think everyone would benefit from that. But it sounds like you're you believe that, man if we, if if you could start young and start teaching some financial literacy at a younger age, that could really change the game for not just individuals, but generations really the course of this country. Which is super needed. So I want to hear from you, like what, how did your journey in financial literacy begin? Did it start in college? Or did did you kind of have some things that you were trained up in as a kid and that's kind of what carried you into that interest?


Phil Friedrich  04:12

So what I'll say the basics were taught to me from a very young age. So my dad gave me a $1 allowance. And once again, I'm 30 It's not like $1 was whole lot back in the 90s. So he gave me $1. And what he said is Phil, a quarter of it, you have to give to the church. A quarter of it, you have to put in your piggy bank, and then 50 cents, you get to go spend. And once again, believe it or not, there's not a whole lot of things you can buy for 50 cents. So I learned the idea of you know, saving it up so I could buy something bigger. But you know, I didn't get exposed to a lot more than that growing up. However, it intrigued me and so as I got older, I started looking into well what are the things I could do above and beyond a piggy bank, right? What else can I be doing? And that ended up getting me intrigued by this idea of investing, and how money can grow when I'm not necessarily doing anything to be earning it. 


Kap Chatfield  05:08

Interesting. It's funny that he had you go above and beyond the tithe. 25% tithe as a kid, that's amazing. So yeah, that's how you, that's how you kind of got into learning learning some of this stuff. And it's funny, I had to write this down in my notes, you probably then didn't know in the moment. But if you knew, who knew in the moment that what your dad was doing was training you to be a financial planner. To not just help plan your own finances, but to help other people as well. So why don't you talk about the journey that you've taken with this show? What, what made you decide one day, you know what, I'm going to start a podcast?


Phil Friedrich  05:43

Yeah, so I love taking in content. And you know, it was always interesting to me. So there's a gentleman named Ed Mylett, who for me is like, one of the pinnacles of you know, self development, self improvement. And I would be talking to like, friends or business people, and I would bring up ideas and concepts from Ed Mylett, and I was referencing him as if it was Michael Jordan, you know, like, everyone should know who that is. And they're like, I've never heard of this guy. And I'm like, what? How is that possible? Have you not heard of this guy? And the reality is, is that even though you know, he gets a million views, you think about, well 1 million views, I mean, out of everyone in the world, that's still not reaching a whole, you know, large quantity of people. And so I was like, man, there's a lot of people that aren't hearing this. Well, long story short, I had multiple friends be like, "Hey, you should just do it yourself. You should just do it yourself." And it was actually, about a year ago, I took a client, Jason and his wife Rebecca out to Colorado with me. And they I was asking him a bunch of questions as we drove, and his wife goes, have you ever thought about having a podcast? It was just kind of off the cuff. And she didn't know any different. I was like, man, there's enough people that said it, I just need to do it. And so I'm very intrigued by people's stories and learning about how, you know, what has led them to where they're at. And so I was like, you know what, that would be an interesting concept. I don't know if anyone else would find it nearly as intriguing as I do, but I'll least start and see where it goes.


Kap Chatfield  07:10

I love that though. Because you started it really, for a passion project, almost more than like a business development tool, which I think is, that's what really kind of keeps you going. I mean, how many episodes have you have you to this day, recorded or published?

Phil Friedrich  07:27

Yeah. So it's funny about that. My goal in November of last year was I, and I have it written down on a piece of paper, I'll have to laminate it and archive it. But I had 14 episodes written down. I figured I could do a little bit more than one a month. And it just kind of grew off the bat. And so yeah, today I release episodes on Tuesdays and Fridays. So today, episode 78 was released. 


Kap Chatfield  07:50



Phil Friedrich  07:51



Kap Chatfield  07:53

Oh, my gosh, mic drop moment. You you, a baker's dozen was your goal. Above, like one more than a bakers dozen. One more than a baker's dozen? And you're now doing two a week? 


Phil Friedrich  08:06

Two a week. 


Kap Chatfield  08:07

Two a week! Wow, what? How did that happen? What did you just get super interested in the process? Did you see, people start reaching out, asking to be on your show? Like, how do you go? Like, talk about scaling your content? I'll put, what, how'd that happened?


Phil Friedrich  08:22

Yeah. So I mean, I started off with a group of people that I knew had interesting stories. You know, people that were already in my circle that I knew man, I would love to highlight the moments have gotten you to where you're at. And so that's where it really started. And from there, it was a little bit of, well, gosh, I really had fun on your show telling my story. Maybe you should talk to this person. And yeah, now I do I get, you know, direct messages from different PR publicists and things asking, "Hey, would you have our client on your show?" And it sounds a little hoity toity to say this, but you know, for me, like your story does have to have unique and like pivotal moments for it really to, you know, kind of coincide with my brand. So I do my research and then we figure out "Yeah, that'd be good". So I've been so blessed. I mean, just yesterday, I was on the phone with a guy that is a retired NBA player and his PR publicist had reached out to me to have him on the show. And you know, I'm just chopping it up with a guy that used to play in the NBA. Prior to starting this I have zero connections with NBA players you know, so it's it was pretty cool thing.


Kap Chatfield  09:30

What on earth. Okay, so how, how soon after your goal you wrote it down on paper, you're going to laminate it. How soon after that did you start to like tick up the the content output. Was it a year later? Was a, how long after?


Phil Friedrich  09:47

Where I actually started recording?


Kap Chatfield  09:49

No. How long, because you had the goal for doing one episode a month plus the two extra. But how long after you set out to do it did you start realizing, "I need to start doing it. More than this, maybe twice a month". Now you're doing twice a week. How fur, for how long in your journey did it take for you to start doing more content?


Phil Friedrich  10:08

About about six weeks in. And I'll tell you, yeah, yeah, well, I had this. I had this funny conversation. Well, it wasn't funny at the time. But I had a guy that I got introduced to, and he is, I would say, fairly well known in his, in his sphere of influence in California. And we got done recording. And he just said, "well, when can I write down that I be, that your episode will be released with you. So that way, I can just make sure that I'm aware of when it goes out?" And I said, "Well, honestly, you know, you're probably looking at about eight weeks from now". You know, once a month, that would be two months out. I had already had two episodes. So I was like, "Yeah, you're probably about eight weeks out". And he goes, "Well, maybe just don't release it then". And I was like, what? And he's like, "well, I don't. Sorry, man, like, but I get a lot of these. And I don't want to have to wait eight weeks for this to get released". And so I was like, "Oh, crud". Alright, well, I guess I need to expedite this. So I said, "well, alright, I'll get it released in the next week". And that started me on the once a week. And then yeah, just kind of snowballed from there.


Kap Chatfield  11:12

So now you're at this point, where, do you have like a backfill of content that you've recorded? And now you're like, waiting for it to go out? Are you just kind of just doing like, every week or every two weeks you're just recording and publishing?

Phil Friedrich  11:27

Yeah, so good question. I I'm usually a little bit ahead of when we're gonna release, just in case, you know, life happens, right? All of a sudden Kap says, gosh, Phil, you know, my kids sick. I can't record today, or, Hey, I had this big business problem pop up. I don't have time to record today. I don't want to be like, well, dang it. Now I can't release an episode. So I'm usually about three weeks in advance to about six episodes recorded before we get to the next one.


Kap Chatfield  11:54

So just enough leeway to help you in a pinch. But it's still I mean, it's still pretty current, like you're recording and you're putting it out there, dude. That's amazing. So how you said you even had someone reach out about a PR publicist about this a retired NBA player? How long in down your journey did that happen? 


Phil Friedrich  12:17

Yeah, I mean, once again, so first episode was released in December of 2020. So you know, roughly about eight months into it is when it started, or I started having some PR publicists kind of reach out and connect with me and ask, Hey, would you have our client on your show?


Kap Chatfield  12:37

That's amazing. I want to I want to, I want to talk about this too. Because what do you think is like the X Factor of your show? Because I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to see like, you're not doing a sports center production. You're not doing like, you got a pretty simple setup. Like you're using a computer, even right now you're using like, you know, Apple headphones, and you're just getting it done. You're just doing the interviews, and you're putting it out there. What do you what do you think is so attractive to these people about your brand?


Phil Friedrich  13:10

That's a phenomenal question. And I probably need to do some research to find that out. But what I would say is, there's probably two things that stick out to me, or maybe comments that people have made to me either post the meeting or before the meeting. And that is one, it's so relatable, right? You know, who knew in the moment? If you think back on your life, whether it's, Hey, who knew in the moment when I met Joy for the first time, right? That I knew that was gonna be my wife, right? Or that I decided to go to, you know, a bonfire and then there just happened to be that person there. And that was what sparked, you know, marriage and three kids, Right? Well, I mean, whatever it is. So oh, and for most people, they can kind of look back on their own lives and relate to that. And so I think, from a listening standpoint that's attractive. Is, you know, if you apply it to your own life, you can really figure it out. I think the second part, so a goal of mine on every episode is that the person I'm interviewing will either say, "How the heck did you know ?" that or "you really did your research." And so I spend a lot of time on the front end, making sure I'm aware of who it is I'm having on and what those pivotal moments are. I don't want to show up and say, Well, tell me your pivotal moments, and then they're like, I don't know, I mean, there's a lot of them, right? I really kind of sort through their material before I get there. And so I think that leaves them with a good taste in their mouth, as opposed to, you know, they showed up to an interview and the person doing the interview didn't know anything about them.


Kap Chatfield  14:39

I love that. That's such a strong business skill to have as well, right? If you're going to be in sales, or if you're going to be, you know, trying to just nurture a client, nurture a relationship. You got to be someone who really takes an interest and understands who you're trying to reach and obviously, not in a super creepy way, but you got to. You have to, you know, you got to show him that you're interested enough to actually do some homework. So I love that that's been a major component to your success as well. I want to talk about this because you're doing this. You know, let's, let's start back with your your business. How many people do you have on your team? Are you a solopreneur? Or do you have a team? Do you have employees or contractors that work for you?


Phil Friedrich  15:22

Yeah, so started as a solopreneur. At this point, I have essentially one full time and then two part time employees. So in total, you'd add it up as two, three individuals working on the team, though, so that, you know, that's grown over time.


Kap Chatfield  15:39

And how many of these people are working on the show for you?

Phil Friedrich  15:42

Zero. That is something that I've just taken myself I will give a good friend of mine, her name is Amber, she creates the word art for me. Or the art, the photo that I put that I put out when I release the episode, that she did create. I myself am not super skilled in that regard. So she goes, yeah, it takes me like four minutes a week, and I go, well, that four minutes saves me like four hours. So thank you.


Kap Chatfield  16:08

That's awesome. So you're truly doing this, though you're running your own business, building your own brand, you're doing this really with like a solopreneur mindset. You're saying, you know, what I'm gonna engage in the content creation process. And I think, you know, you probably, you had an expectation of how much you'd be putting into it. And it's more than doubled. It's like, really, like, quadrupled since you had that idea. So actually, more than that, it's it's 8x. It's 8x 8x 800%, what you were trying to do, that's insane. That's so amazing, though, that you're, you're in that place. And so you're creating this content, you're doing these interviews, you're doing your homework, that's not, that's not a little bit of work, it takes a lot of work to do. So my question to you is why? Why do you think it's so important for you to invest this much of your life into a project like this?


Phil Friedrich  17:02

That's a great question. If I really thought about it, I might think it's not worth it. I might come up with that realization. But what I will tell you is, you know, it's been so fun to, you know, really create relationships with people, you know? And it's not just, hey, they come on the show for an hour and then it's done. You know, I was just in Phoenix in Scottsdale this last week. And on Friday and Saturday morning, a gentleman that I had on the show, which is crazy on how I got introduced to him, a guy that I barely know, DM'd me on Facebook and said, Hey, I love your podcast. I've got a friend from high school that you should have on your show. He's got an interesting story. And I said, Well, what's his number? His comment, I don't have it, but I can get it. I thought you he said he was your friend. You know, to me that that's barely an acquaintance if you don't have the number of the person. But he's like, yeah, here's the number, sends it to me. So I call this guy, we chat a little bit, comes on the show. It's fun, whatever. He goes sometime you should come down to Arizona and workout at my gym with me. So this last week, I went down to Arizona and Friday and Saturday, we worked out, went and grabbed, you know, coffee, breakfast. And so, I mean, it's it's truly the relationship side. But to hone in on the exact question you asked. I think at the end of the day, there's so much we can learn from so many people. And it's giving me the opportunity to connect with people that I would have never just, I would have never had the opportunity to learn from. And you know, a lot of these people, you know, we do we cultivate a relationship and we stay in communication after and that's been, you know, extremely meaningful to me.


Kap Chatfield  18:37

That's so cool. I, really amazing how much that's accelerated in such a short amount of time too. One thing that we talk about with our guests a lot about their shows is that it's like it truly is a relationship accelerator. I mean, you have the opportunity. Now you have people reaching out to you. You have some really interesting people reaching out to you, who are saying, hey, I want to I want to spend 60 minutes on a recording with you. And that's like such an opportunity for you to get to know them, get to know their story, build that relationship, follow up with the content after and see where it goes from there. And that's, that's obviously huge. It can be very huge for business but I know that with your show, you didn't start off this show with a business development strategy or goal in mind. And I don't, it doesn't even sound like that's really your MO from doing the show. But, but I do notice in life when you do things that you're passionate about and you do them well and you care for people it usually comes around to help you out in the long run. So I don't know if you have any necessarily, like quantitative results, but qualitative. Have you seen this show either just grow your brand or grow your business in some way?


Phil Friedrich  19:47

Yeah, I mean, from a true like direct business standpoint, I think what you said there is no. It you know, it really hasn't. And I I would say it this way, I've had a few people from the show end up inquiring. You know, hey, maybe we should chat about that and we have connected, just as they've gotten to know me. So I think there's maybe some delayed things that will come from that. But I think the other part for me is, one thing that really sticks out is indirect skills that I'm learning by doing this. You know, being in business, a skill that is so hard to learn, but I'm getting better at, especially as hosting a podcast is active listening, and really doing a good job of that. I mean, how many times have you been in a business meeting, and I've been in a business meeting where it's kind of a one sided show, right? There's not a lot of give and take, or you make a comment and the person on the other end just goes on to what they want to talk about. And, you know, I think, for the listener, I always think about well that wouldn't be a very fun conversation. If I just have a bullet point list of things to say, or ask, and I don't acknowledge anything they're saying. So I think that's developing some of my skills. So at the end of the day, I think there are some things I'm learning and getting better at which are helping me in my business.


Kap Chatfield  21:07

That's so true. I feel like a really good show makes an audience member feel like they're, they're a fly on the wall for a really genuine and meaningful conversation. Like they get to be in the room versus like, here's the canned questions. Here's the answers. And it's like, okay, this, it's, it's not, I don't know, there's, there's no pizzazz to it. And it's fun, it's kind of fun to see, like, where a conversation can go. Just, you know, just the organic side of it as well. I'm curious from your perspective, like from a personal branding play. I want, and don't give us the answer that you think I want to hear. I want to hear, I want to hear the true Phil Friedrich, what do you think is a? Or do you think that like sales leaders or people in your industry, maybe they're seeing you and they're seeing you do this show and they're like, man, maybe I should start a show? Would you recommend that they start a show? If if so why? If not, why not?


Phil Friedrich  22:05

It's a great question. What I would say on if you're going to start a show is be committed to it. You know, I think a lot of people over the last year have said, Oh, I'm going to start a podcast. And a lot of people have told me they're going to once I said I was going to. And about five episodes in, it's over. They stop creating it. You know, love my brother to death, my brother decided he was going to start one, two episodes in and it was over. It's like, well, you're not gonna have Joe Rogan success after the first episode, unless maybe you have Joe Rogan on and he blasts it all over his social media. Then maybe, but otherwise, you know, it's just not going to happen. And so I think so frequently people get caught up in that, what was the instant result of it? And they don't realize that, well, Joe Rogan's had his podcast for years, you know, and that's how long it's taken. So I would say it that way. If you're going to do it be committed to doing it for the long haul, regardless of the result. Don't let it you know, get impacted by the short term. I mean, not that this matters a ton. But you know, you talked about, have you seen any growth or you know, social recognition? I think when I started it, my Instagram following was like, 800 people. And now it's like, 3600. You know, and it's not like, I'm out there, you know, actively blasting my social media. But you know, you connect with this person, and they share your show, and then few people like your stuff, and they start following you. Right? And so, you know, I think once again, I would just say, don't get caught up in the short term. Be prepared for the long term and know that results take time.


Kap Chatfield  23:46

What would you say to the business leader who's saying, "okay, you know, what I'm in, I got the right mindset playing the long game. But I don't have time to do this". I mean, you know, I mean, what time do you wake up in the morning, you wake up at like, what? 2am? I know you have a crazy schedule. So you probably try to jam it in there with that, but like, maybe just encourage that business leader that's that's seeing in this world today. I mean, you said yourself, you consume content, who doesn't? It's it's 2021 right now. So it's, this is, like this device that we have in our pockets. It's a critical way for us to communicate with our with our audience, with our customers, with our market, with our employees. And contents is the way to do that. People know that. How would you encourage that person that's hesitant to start?


Phil Friedrich  24:34

That was me. It was me for probably two years. I said, "Oh, my gosh, I'm so busy". So in addition to, you know, running my financial planning practice, like you mentioned, Kap, I own rental real estate, you know? And that, I am the property manager, right? So it's like, if there's something that doesn't work, I'm the one that gets the phone call. If I'm wanting to buy new properties. I'm the one that's going and viewing them. I'm evaluating it. And so I said, gosh, I have more than enough things on my plate, the last thing I need is another something that probably won't even generate revenue for me. And the reality is, is that I went in, I think, with the right mindset, and that was, I'm not looking for this to replace my income. I'm not looking for this to be a get rich quick scheme. I'm not looking for it to be a, you know, exponentially greater return for my business. I just really am passionate about it. And I think there's a lot of things people can learn about it. So inside of my sphere, maybe I can be the Ed Mylett, right? I can be that person that is sharing content from people that have great stories. And so I think the, it, you're always going to be too busy to do something, it comes down to what's your priority? Right? And if growing, or helping people learn, helping them get better is a priority to you, then the time won't matter. If that's not a priority to you, then it's gonna seem like a time suck from something else that you want to be investing your time into. That was that, was one of the best quotes and I just share it the other week. I had a gal on the show, she was the 2019 Miss Arno of the universe. And she just uses the phrase, "you don't spend your time, you invest your time", and I thought that was golden. I thought that was golden.


Kap Chatfield  26:23

Don't spend your time, you invest your time? Well, I how would you invest your time in the future, if you do it on another show? Like do you have a vision for another show? Like in, pipe dream it man. Like, like, let's dream big. Let's say you got the team, you don't have to do it all on your own. It can be about whatever you want, you could have whatever guest, what would be the most interesting show for you to do in the future?


Phil Friedrich  26:48

So right now I focus on people. And I think at some point it would be fun to do this for businesses. You know? So maybe looking at like, the last two or three CEOs of a company and bringing them all on board and talking about who knew in the moment of this, right? How did the business go?


Kap Chatfield  27:08

Yeah, and getting kind of like the legacy of like, you know, the kind of the passing the baton of what happened. Correct,  two CEOs before and like how that set up the next CEO for success or whatever, or whatever. Yeah, that'd be really interesting, man. Wow.


Phil Friedrich  27:24

Yeah. So more of like the large corporate side.


Kap Chatfield  27:27

That's cool. You know what I'll say topo, just to throw it out there, we've had guests on our show who have taken all of the content from all of their episodes, and they've taken like, the best of the best, and they've put it into a book. And so like, each chapter was like, what things that they learn from each of those different people. And so that could be a really cool thing, too, is you take, whether from the business side, down the road, or from this one, you know, how could you collect to collect that information, collect those stories and create something? Yeah, more consumable? You know, and so, yeah, if you do that you can send the royalties to Chatfield.


Phil Friedrich  28:04

I say I owe Kap more than he knows. This guy is always giving me good advice and good nuggets.


Kap Chatfield  28:09

I just, I have so much, so many ideas, and not enough time to do them all. So I'll let you do it for me. But hey, um, Phil, this was this is a blast, man, I'm really glad you got to jump on the show and start talking about your own personal brand. But your journey also is like not just being a super impactful. Your plates full, you got a lot going on, you got a team that you're serving, you got vision for where you want to take your business. But you also take time, more time than you even anticipated, to create a show that maybe doesn't have like a direct ROI, at least on paper. But you're being you're being impacted through this journey. Like well, as we close this out, I'd love for you to also just give a shout out. Maybe there's somebody on a you mentioned Ed Mylett so we'll kind of put him aside. But who's somebody else out there that you're inspired by from a content creation perspective, that you'd love the listeners of this episode to check out?


Phil Friedrich  29:05

Hmm. That's good. You know, so somebody that and he's fallen off a little bit recently, but I think somebody that's just genuine, authentic and has a really, really good story is a guy named Ryan Serhant. So he is a realtor in New York and he kind of got his big fame by being on Million Dollar Listing. And then from there he got his own TV show on Bravo, Sell it like Serhant. He's written a book and publish that. And so he has just a very phenomenal story of small startings to huge things now, but he's also just genuine and real and the content he puts out is exactly that. He talks about long days and how his wife gets mad at him sometimes cuz he works too much, you know? And, you know, things like that. And I think oftentimes a lot of people's content, it seems as if, "Man, if only I had their life then I could do what they do". And you know, he really brings it raw and real and shows all the different things that he has in a day. And when he starts his day or what his days look like, and I think that's super impactful to know it's doable, but but there are certain you know, certain sacrifices you make to get the the doable.


Kap Chatfield  30:29

Fantastic. We'll put him in the show notes so that people can check him out. We'll also just so you guys know, you can follow Phil on LinkedIn. We're putting his LinkedIn profile link in the show notes and description as well as the link for the show Who Knew In The Moment. Phil, this was a blast, man. We'll have to get, have you get on in the future. Thanks so much for joining us on the show today.


Phil Friedrich  30:49

Kap I appreciate you. Keep doing big things, brother.