B2B Podcasting | A show about B2B sales & marketing

The Art of B2B Storytelling - With Kap Chatfield

Written by Kap Chatfield | 4/29/22 12:00 PM
Do you know how to maximize storytelling for the growth of your business?  
When businesses strive to make their customer the “hero” of the story, addressing their problems and ultimate goals in marketing and sales, they will find the golden key to success. 
It’s about telling a compelling story that will make the hero keep coming back for more.
B2B Podcasting brings you a bonus episode hosted by Rick Lambert—professional speaker, B2B sales coach and marketing strategist
He interviewed our CEO Kap Chatfield and mined the gold that will help business leaders direct their business concept and message.  
If you’re ready to bring direction and purpose to your business, THIS is the episode for you. You don’t want to miss it.
Main Takeaways:
Business leaders can greatly benefit from learning the principles of storytelling
Discover the four P’s and how you can make them center stage to your marketing and sales 
Learn how to define your business objectives and sharpen your value proposition
You don’t need the most expensive technology to begin creating content today
00:00 - 13:46 | Learn the art of storytelling your business can apply to its narrative
13:46 - 25:22 | Discover how to make your ideal customer the hero of your product and story
25:22 - 27:54 | What are practical steps your company can take to begin perfecting their narrative?
27:54 - 35:36 | The 5 business objectives every business leader needs to know by heart
“Once you learn the formula of storytelling you see it play out not just in movies, but in advertising, emails, LinkedIn and posts.” - Kap Chatfield, CEO of Rveal Media
“Your business problem can be broken down into the internal, external and eternal problems, and you can find their solutions using storytelling.” - Kap Chatfield, CEO of Rveal Media
“The number one problem businesses face when crafting their narrative is they mistake themselves as the main character of the story when they’re truly the guide.” - Kap Chatfield, CEO of Rveal Media
Turn your product into a story that attracts the right audience.” - Kap Chatfield, CEO of Rveal Media
Connect with Kap Chatfield & Rveal Media:
Connect with Rick Lambert:
#b2bsales #b2bmarketing #b2bpodcasting

Full Transcription: 

Rick Lambert  00:20

Welcome to today's Smarketing Show, I think if you're a business leader, marketing executive, sales leader, you're going to like my guest today, Kap Chatfield. Here's a guy that comes with video moviemaking background training, who's evolved himself into a business where he does shows for companies to help them tell their story. So today is all about helping you with ideas to tell your story. Now, Kap, welcome to the show today. I know you host your own, so it's nice to be sitting in the guest seat or maybe different anyway. Could you let the folks know where you're coming from? Because I think you've got a really unique background, your schooling, when it comes to moviemaking, and why that's applicable to telling company stories?


Kap Chatfield  00:59

You bet. Well, Rick, first of all, thanks for having me on your show today. We had you on ours, just a few weeks ago, B2B Podcasting, and we both kind of live in the same world in regards to helping businesses tell stories that ultimately grow their business. And so this, this is super awesome, super grateful to be here. And yeah, just to kind of give some background to who I am. I'm a CEO of a company out here in Omaha, Nebraska, the middle of nowhere in the United States of America, right in the heartland. And I'm a husband, I'm a father of three. And my journey with marketing, which is really what we're doing, we're in the world of storytelling for businesses, which is really what marketing is all about. It began really, actually before I went to film school. My background, I was not the most athletic kid, I liked sports, but I was more of an artsy type. And really, I was a skateboarder. And in the world of skateboarding, one of the things that we did was, we would always take our camera with us when we'd go downtown and try to film each other's tricks. And then we'd have all this footage, and I decided, "okay, I got to learn how to actually piece this footage together and make something interesting out of it". And so that's what began this journey of understanding how to do video editing, and I just fell in love with the process. Lo and behold, kind of came to the, to the end of my high school career, and my dad was saying, "hey, what college do you think you want to go to?" I wasn't really much of an academic. And so I said, "You know what, I don't know if I really want to go to college". And my dad said, "Well, we've we have this college fund saved up for you. So you're gonna go to school, but you pick something that you want to do". And he he actually offered up like, why don't you consider doing film school and I didn't even know that was really a legit option. And so I was like, man, let's, let's look at some options for film school. Found the University of Miami, which was an exciting experience for lots of different reasons, as you can imagine, not just for for film. But I went down there for three and a half years, I got my bachelor's in communications, in motion pictures while I was there. And that's what began this journey of of really understanding what it means to be a filmmaker, not just in craft, but also in career and profession. And since then, I've kind of taken some of the skill sets I've learned from film traditional, you know, full feature length film production, and how do I apply those same principles to help businesses tell their stories.


Rick Lambert  03:18

And this is exactly why I thought you'd be awesome for our audience, and for those of you that watch Smarketing Show, or follow me on LinkedIn, you know, I'm a big sponsor of video. Last week, I'm in a conference with 800 dealers in Orlando, I sit in the breakout sessions, and guess what everybody's saying? They're moving towards video, video video. But I think a lot of people, Kap, unlike you, don't have professional video training or experience for the rest of it. How do I tell my story? Because they don't want to make a mistake. And I think it could be a huge power play to give them a competitive advantage versus their competitors still trying to figure it out. So today, you know, could you open up and talk a little bit about what you think makes a great story, and maybe that includes on video?


Kap Chatfield  04:03

100% One of the things that I took away from skill from film school, which was the most valuable piece of training that I got, because here's the reality, I tell this to a lot of up and coming creatives, not just business leaders, but creatives that want to turn their craft into a career. A lot of them wonder, like, hey, which film school should I go to? Whatever, like, do I need a degree? And the reality is, is my degree isn't super helpful on paper with me getting clients. I mean, I don't have customers coming to me saying, "Hey, you do great video work, but let me see your degree." Like they're just not asking that. However, one of the things that I learned about film in film school is that there is a there is a science to telling a good story. The most valuable thing that I learned I'll just say this was learning narrative structure. And once you learn narrative structure, you can't unsee it in any movie that you watch. In fact it kind of ruins movies for you. I'll be watching a movie with my wife, we love thriller movies, especially like psychological thrillers. And the it's rare that we watch a movie that actually kind of takes me on this journey of like, I need to figure out what happens, because as soon as the movie opens, I already know who's gonna die, who's going to be the killer, who is going to like it all it there's such a formula to it. And once you learn the formula, it's amazing how you can see that formula play out. And not just in movies, but in great, great advertising, even emails, even LinkedIn, written posts, like you can see the structure play out all over the place. And so I can break down that structure for your audience, Rick, if, if that's okay.


Rick Lambert  05:46

Look, I think this is why you're on because a lot of us, we want to tell a story. But you know, there's clearly a science to it. So that's, that's why I really thought you'd be a value today.


Kap Chatfield  05:58

Sure, well, I'd love to. So I'll share it like this. Basically, I'll even share a graphic that I know that your editor can can put on the screen as I'm sharing this, but we call this the narrative arc. And the reason why it has this, it almost kind of looks like if you've ever been to Cedar Point in Michigan, it's like there's this massive or there was I don't know if they still have it, but it was this roller coaster called the Millennium Force. And it was like this massive like, not a very sexy roller coaster with all these loops and stuff. But it had this giant like crescendo pinnacle, where you go to the top of this roller coaster, and then you come all the way down, that's kind of the shape that we're looking at here. And at the beginning of the arc has kind of has this like loop this, you know, it begins at a high point, then it goes low, and then it goes really high at the beginning of that point, that's what we call the hook. And so if you can also just imagine like the y axis of this of this arc is going to be time elapsed for the duration of the story. Or excuse me, the x axis. And then the y axis is going to be like emotional intensity that you're going to experience on this ride. At the very beginning, it starts out with something that's going to grab your attention. We call this the hook in filmmaking. You've probably experienced this in even in keynote speeches where somebody comes out and they boom, they just punch you right in the nose with an opening statement or an opening illustration. Even I'm also an assistant pastor at a church in here in Omaha, Nebraska, it's the same way with opening up a sermon. You want to open up with something that's going to grab people's attention. It's the same with movies, and in movies, any good movie, you're going to notice that in the first three minutes, something significant happens, it's the bomb that blows up, the the damsel in distress gets carried away, whatever it is, the bank gets robbed, that in that first three minutes, it's the hook, it's what grabs your attention, it sets the stage for what the entire movie is going to be about. So every movie, every great story starts with a hook. Now after the hook, I mean, you grab the audience's attention. Now you can kind of lay out the context, who is the main character? Where are they from? What are some of their quirks? What are they interested in? What's their desire? What problems stand in their way? All of that context, it helps you understand, hey, this is who we're going to follow. And it also kind of foreshadows the journey that that character is going to go on to solve the problem that was immediately shown in that hook. After the context, there's this point in the story called the the inciting incident. And that's basically where this character is finally invited onto this journey to kind of overcome their own personal problems, but ultimately, to solve this greater narrative problem, in the scope of this entire story. So they go on this journey. And now you're starting to see them kind of go from like this, on that, on that, that arc, this kind of boring place in the context where it's not a lot of emotional intensity. Now they're starting to climb the mountain of the narrative. They're going on this journey. They're fighting some battles along the way, all the way up to the climax of the story, which is where their personal will their personal insecurities, their personal weaknesses are tested to the highest degree for them to kind of like solve the problem. It's when Frodo is like he's at Mordor. He's gonna throw the ring into the fiery pit of Mordor or it's when Luke Skywalker is gonna blow up the Deathstar. Right? Like, I'm sure your audience kind of follow along with some of these, some of these examples. Or it's when the guy is going to finally propose to the girl of his dreams or knock the bully out in the schoolyard to win her over, whatever it is. It's like that's the moment where the ultimate test happens. Do they have what it takes? And in any good story, we know that that's where they finally they can prove to themselves and prove to the world that they have what it takes. And then there's after that climax is the resolution, and that's where they get to kind of you know, you see everything fall into place, and they live happily ever after. Now, I want to share that because it sounds like oh my gosh, like It's clear, it makes sense. I can even kind of see that in my mind as I'm thinking about my favorite Marvel movies or my favorite rom coms, or, or whatever. But how do I break that down into something simple and bite sized that I can apply to my business? Well, we break it down into these four P's. And if you can, if you can think about these four P's, write down these four P's and think about your business narrative in the perspective of these four P's, it's going to simplify everything for you. So the first P that you want to start with is the person. The person, this is the main character of the story. And you want to really just kind of answer these two questions. Who are they? And what do they ultimately desire? What do they want? Where do they want to go in life? How much money do they want to make? How do they want to feel about themselves and about their business? So you just kind of you can take that general question and think about who's the person that you're called to serve with your business? And what do they care about? That's the first P. The second P is the problem. Now, there's no good story without a really grave problem. So think about that person and think about the problem that they face. And then we break down this problem into kind of like three different categories. There's an internal problem, an external problem, and an eternal problem. The internal problem is what's going on? Well, I'll start with the external one, actually, the external problem is the easiest problem to identify, because it's like, it's the one that's kind of glaring, it's in their face. So let's say that you you're, you do a business and you're serving. I'll share an example. One of our clients is a staffing agency for skilled labor. So their, their the person that they're serving, is going to be a company leader, that is trying to find like skilled workers that can help them build these big buildings or whatever. And so that's what they want. The problem is that they can't find these skilled workers. There's a massive skilled labor shortage in America right now. So that's the external problem. But what's the internal problem? Well, the internal problem is man, this makes them feel like anxiety at night, because they wonder, man, do we have the ability to fill to fulfill these projects that we're being hired by these big clients for? So there's, there's an anxiety problem, there's a fear problem, there's a "do I have what it takes" problem? There's a frustration problem, a confusion problem. Where do I find these workers? So you want to mine out what are those emotional problems that that person is going to be feeling? And then finally, the eternal problem. The eternal problem is like this 30,000 foot view of like, Hey, why is this just wrong? And so you can kind of fill in the gaps with like, Okay, for our client, for example, the er, the eternal problem that this violates is if you have a project that you want to build, you should be able to find the right workers to fill this to fill this void. So it's like a general truth that that this problem violates right. So that's the second P. The third P is the plan. This is where you as the business owner, you lay out the plan. You're like the Gandalf to Frodo, you're the Obi-Wan to Luke Skywalker, you're the Jedi that comes in, you're the expert, who's also empathetic and you can lay out a very simple and systematic plan to help that person overcome their problem and get to where they want to go. And this comes back to the fourth P, the promise. This is the happily ever after. This is what is that person's life going to look like? What's their business going to look like? What's their emotional wellbeing going to look like? What's their relationships going to look like? Because they have taken action on the plan that you've presented for them. Those are the four P's. Person, problem, plan, promise, if you can nail down those four, you have yourself a very compelling narrative.


Rick Lambert  13:46

So okay, first of all, thank you for sharing that. You know, you when I was very early in our digital marketing agency, I sat with writers who talk a lot about the hook and the inverted pyramid how, Rick, you gotta hook them early because the more people read like the less people read the further you go into something, very similar in the storytelling. What about mistakes? Like so Kap, you know, we see a lot of clients, right and a lot of businesses they get it, Hey, I gotta get on video, I got to tell a story, whether it's a micro story on a LinkedIn post, or it's more of a story about their business. I'm going to ask by the way Kap in a minute, we talked before the show, I'm going to throw him a scenario and he doesn't know the scenario, but it will it will relate to a common business we work with and how you and I'm going to use an office technology providers as an example. He might tell your story. But before we get to that, what about like mistakes you see people making with their story, the way they package it, present it, whatever. What what are you seeing and what should they do?


Kap Chatfield  14:53

The number one problem that businesses face when crafting their narrative is they mistake themselves as the main character of the story, when they're truly the guide in the story. So what do I mean by that? What I mean is, everybody, every, every person is the hero of their own story, right? I'm the hero of my own story. And, you know, we try to be humble, we try to be other centered. But the reality is, is like, we're trying to figure out what character we play in the narrative of human history, or the narrative of our of our industry, or the narrative of, of our community, whatever we, we are the main character, we're trying to understand who we are, and we have a place that we're trying to go, right? The problem is that when businesses create this narrative, they position themselves as the hero of the story. And you see this in how businesses communicate their product or their features. And it's all very like business product features centric. It's here's our, here's our value prop, here's what we do, here's our features, here's why we're the best. And it's very me centric. And the problem with that is when people, other people who would be the person that we want to hear the story, when they, when they hear those stories, the immediate thing that comes to their mind is "that's great. you're the hero of your story, that's awesome. But there's only room for one hero in my story. And I'm the hero of my story". And so all of a sudden, these businesses that have very meaningful stories to be telling, they're not being heard by the market, because they're, they're not positioning themselves as the right character. We also say this in our business, we say that there's two types of content on the internet. There's the content that you want to consume. And there's the content that interrupts the content that you want to consume. One's a show and one's an ad. Yeah, and and communicating your story with you as the hero of the story, it's like communicating your value prop as an ad, rather than as a show, which makes the audience truly the main character of the story. Can,


Rick Lambert  16:57

Can I ask you, you mean, sorry, interrupt? Can I ask you to give me an example of how because I think you're bang on, we see so many things that are on the web, now. And customers tell us to produce, it's all about them. We call it chest pounding. Right? And how do you how do you flip it around so the hero of the story is really your target persona customer? Sounds like that's what you're suggesting. But how do you do that? Like, what would be an example?


Kap Chatfield  17:22

Let's go through the scenario that you wanted to share right now and I can I can unpack that for you in real time.


Rick Lambert  17:27

Okay, great. So again, this is cold with Kap here. So I'll give you I'll talk as long as you're ready to go with your answer. If you need to me to buy some time. 


Kap Chatfield  17:35

Let's go. I know, I got plenty of time. Let's do this. 


Rick Lambert  17:37

I've seen you on LinkedIn. I know you can dance to any tune quickly. All right. So we work with a lot of office technology dealers or providers, okay Kap? So one of the things that's emerging, obviously, is this threat of ransomware. And in many cases, the story comes out of our technology, customer arena, we'll call it, hopefully not our customers, but we see a lot of companies going, hey, you know, if you're afraid of ransomware, you know, let me just pound you 16 times with everything we've got in our certifications, and our program and our this and our that, so I can see it, you know, so real, them being the hero of their story. So how would you take something like the threat of your ransomware attack, and really dovetail into the fact that they've got, as you called it? You know, a solution really, to those, but make the customer the hero of the story, as opposed to the we'll call it the product or solution provider? Like how would you flip that around?


Kap Chatfield  18:38

I don't even know if it's necessarily that things need to be flipped around. Because I think that there's a lot of there's a lot of ammo there to work with. But I think it's it's like you're you're cutting to the chase to the climax, way too quickly. So I guess the to kind of mine the under the story out a little bit better. So what is the ransomware? What problems does that make this business owner face?


Rick Lambert  19:02

So so what ransomware does just in layman's terms would be, it'll basically lock up a company's access to their confidential data. That could be financial information, customer records, employee information, to the point where the company can't operate because most cases they can't access their information. This causes downtime. This causes, you know, sometimes damage to brand. And they have the choice whether they're going to pay the ransom, to get their information back, which in many cases, they don't even know if they're gonna get it. But if they don't have basically a proactive approach to preventing ransomware they're inevitably going to get into this situation, small, medium, large enterprise where someone's going to attack their environment. And the companies that we represent a lot of times are able to help them, you know, mitigate that risk through detection, you know, avoidance, you know, business recovery, so they can park their data in the cloud, etc. But it's like, if you think of it as home security, sooner or later your business is gonna have a bad guy come to the door and try and get in. So the question is, are you going to be set up with the right, you know, preventative measures, reactionary measures. That's kind of the the threads of the story.


Kap Chatfield  20:27

So these typical business owners, they're not waking up every day thinking, I need to solve my ransomware problem. They're thinking about their business. And then ransomware becomes this kind of blind sighted thing that comes and disrupts their entire their, their entire personal narrative. And now they have to figure out how to overcome this issue. 


Rick Lambert  20:49



Kap Chatfield  20:51

So what is what does this business person typically care about day to day? They probably just care about, Hey, I just want to grow my business, I just want to keep moving the thing forward, keep serving my team, keep serving our customers. And then this thing comes out of nowhere and disrupts that


Rick Lambert  21:07

It's a destroyer. Yes.

Kap Chatfield  21:10

So what I would do is, I would be thinking about this person, and not kind of remove the ransomware out of the equation, because the ransomware is, it's not even the main thing, or the race, the ransomware solution, I should say. The person that you're you're gonna probably be serving best isn't even just a business owner that has this problem. It's going to be the business owner that wants to feel like, I'm just going to throw it out like an analogy. They're going to want to feel like Liam Neeson in Taken when his daughter is held ransom and he needs to get his daughter back. And they want to they that they're no longer just a business owner. They are Liam Neeson, daughter who is on a mission to go to go rescue that daughter so that he can go back to running, or he or she could go back to running that business. And so that's the type of person that you're really trying to communicate to, it's the type of person who's like, yes, I want to protect this vision, I want to protect this organization, there's too much at stake for us to deal with all of that stuff. And, and we're going to fight tooth and nail to make sure that that our customers are protected and our employees are protected. And so even as I'm communicating that, you can see that, like the narrative is kind of shifting. I'm not even talking about the product and its features. I'm talking about, hey, this is who you are, as the business owner, this is what you want, this is what you care about. And let's like let's fuel that up, let's fan the flames of you being a protector of your business and of the legacy of your of your enterprise. And so with that, like I would even say, now you kind of have a narrative of like, Hey, here's the main character, right? Here's what they care about. Here's what keeps them up at night. Here's what makes them feel encouraged. And here's what makes them feel discouraged. I would even have like, here's an idea for a show. And I mean, feel free to take this, by the way, I'm just like, totally spitballing. But here's an idea for a show that you can do to help to help attract that right tribe. You can make a show completely about business leaders who have been in ransom type situations where their back was all of a sudden against the wall. And maybe they got audited for something that they're like, what? Like we've been doing everything by the book, crossed every T, dotted every I, and now we're getting audited. And now like we have a PR issue, how do we handle this situation? And that, like you have a show where every episode, you're interviewing business leaders to talk about how they overcame that scenario to protect their assets, to protect their employees and to protect their customers. And what you're going to do is if that's the narrative of every episode, you're inviting these business leaders on that are sharing those stories, A, the people that you invite on that show, they're already in the mindset of, hey, I'm a protector, I'm a protector of what I have here. And, and so they're gonna be the type of person where it's like, Hey, if you're a protector, this happens to be the perfect solution for protectors like you, because you're already in that mindset. But then what you're also doing is you're attracting an audience of business owners who are like, who are more risk management minded. And so a solution like this is going to be really helpful for them because there's going to be business leaders, I'm sure who are like, like, for me, for example, I'm like, not really risk adverse to a fault where I'm like, I'm just like, charge a mountain. Let's go. Thankfully, my business partner is more, he thinks more about the risk management side. And so that would be a show that would be super attractive to him because he'd look at that product. And he'd say, Man, that's, that's it. So what you're doing is you're turning your product into a story that attracts the right audience. And then all of a sudden, hey, by the way, this show is brought to you by ransomware, Eliminator, 3000 in 30 second spot, it's like, "hey, for protectors of businesses, just like yourself, this can help you overcome issues that you don't even know could be creeping around the corner." So that's how I would lay it out.


Rick Lambert  25:22

Okay. First of all, I have never seen a company in the industry do what you just did. What I thought was very relevant there is if you go back to you know, so many times on the videos, I'm using video as the medium to communicate the story. Sure, it has the person from the company providing them ransomware services on there, telling the whole story. And I just I really love the way you you flip that around, so that the story is more about peer to peer telling what they did in relatable situations. And then at the end, you basically step in and say, Look, you know, we can help people like this if you're in that situation. But anyway, very, very creative. Good job, buddy. And I know, I know, just for those you that don't know, you're not following. If you're not following Kap on LinkedIn right now, I highly recommend it. He's very net net relevant, I just really think you do a great job with your little mini stories on LinkedIn that you do. Good sense of humor in there, too, which I appreciate. Is as we head for home, like people know your business, or they should know, if you're creating shows, or mini movies, we'll call it or for businesses, basically, using the methodology you spoke of. If I'm a business leader, and I say, Hey, I know we got to do more with video, we need to tell our story a little more like sell it versus tell it, you have any kind of suggestions for you know how people can create a great story? I know, we talked about the P's and that. But just as we wrap up, like someone's watching right now they're going, Hey, that guy made some good points, we should do it. But you know, do you have any kind of, you know, tactical steps someone should take to create a great story for their business?


Kap Chatfield  27:08

Yeah, I would say the first thing that you need to do is you need to start with the business objective in mind, because it's a long game approach. I mean, we live in a world we live in a world right now where content is is is how you stay in front of people on a day to day basis. And I'm sure you feel the same way like I'm in this business and it takes me like someone has to have a lot of touches with me, for me to actually kind of move in a different direction. It's just an avalanche of information and content out there. But that's not an excuse to get in the game. It just requires us to manage our expectations a little bit better. And if you don't have an objective, a clear objective for your business of what your your content strategy or your story strategy is going to do for you. It's going to fizzle out. 


Rick Lambert  27:54

What would be an example of an objective though Kap? Like, can you give an example?


Kap Chatfield  27:59

I could give you five, five different objectives. So when we work with our customers, we say pinpoint your objective based off one of these five things. Number one, you want to increase sales, which who doesn't? But it's really more about, especially in the B2B space, we want to accelerate pipeline creation, by engaging target accounts. We want to collaborate with them, and our content, because it'll help our it'll bring value to our audience. But it'll also initiate some strategic relationships with those people from a from a like a targeted account sales perspective. Number two is going to be marketing. So marketing, branding, just creating tons of content, a long game approach with but I believe has the greatest ROI at the end of the day with the compound interest of how content kind of performs for you. That's the second objective. The third objective is going to be training. We have one customer that we're working with right now that wants to create content, create a narrative, to help people in their own organization, stay engaged with the vision, and continue to learn the thought leadership of the C-suite level. And they're doing that by creating this narrative and creating consistent content for their own hybrid slash remote organization. I think it's it's a brilliant strategy for them. The fourth is recruiting. So if your business objective is like, hey, we need to recruit new talent right now. I mean, that's a big thing. We're in the middle of the great resignation, 


Rick Lambert  29:19

Huge, huge. 


Kap Chatfield  29:20

And, and what a strong narrative and a strong content strategy to deploy that narrative can do is it can actually attract and groom the right talent to your organization. And it can significantly cut down your onboarding time. I've I've seen this with, not with one of our customers but a guest that we've had on our show. It was one of the backside advantages of doing their own show is they're recruiting top talent that already believes in their company vision that's already understands their language, because they've listened to every episode of their podcast, of their show. The the fifth and final objective is going to be a man I'm blanking on it now. What was it? Oh, customer service. So that I really believe, you know, you can use the show model, the storytelling model to attract new customers, to even attract new talent to serve your current employees. But you can also use as a way to retain customers. I know that there's, especially in consultancies, if you run a consultancy, some sort of agency that your thought leadership is your IP, that's how you win business. That's how you solve problems for your for your clients. To do some sort of behind the paywall narrative slash content strategy, that's exclusive to your customers golly, that can be such a valuable way to keep them engaged, so that they feel like man I'm, I'm, I'm like, every time I watch a video, every time I listen to a podcast, every time I read an article, or get an email from this, this vendor of mine, I feel like they're fueling the narrative that I feel like I'm the main character of, and that can be super helpful to help you grow your business. So that'd be the first place that I would start is defining that objective. Then the second thing I would say is defining that audience based off of who of what that objective is, based off of the four P's that I shared with you earlier. And then finally, number three is clarifying the narrative knowing what your objective is, who that audience is, what's the narrative and then ultimately, to be completely honest, the production after that, it's almost it's almost irrelevant. Once you have once you have that core narrative in place.


Rick Lambert  31:27

When you see that production's irrelevant, or can I assume you're saying don't get too caught up in everything being perfect in the video production side? It's more of the content the storyline etc is that what you're saying? 


Kap Chatfield  31:39

That is what I'm saying and this is coming from a guy that's also using a DSLR camera for this very interview as well as a an XLR, you know, microphones so I'm not trying to sound hypocritical when I say that. But what I am saying is Rick, I mean, like for example, you're you're using a webcam on your on your laptop, you're not using a fancy microphone, you might have a USB microphone plugged in, but you haven't overthought your production value, you just know hey, I have a message to tell. And I gotta show up consistently and I've just seen way too many business leaders get caught up with well I don't have the right microphone or I don't have the best video editing software and it keeps them from showing up. It's all about just showing up consistently.


Rick Lambert  32:21

Couldn't agree more, couldn't agree more. You know, it's funny, you know, everything you talk about to I believe applies to I'll call it micro video, 60 seconds sprint's that you might post on LinkedIn. You posted a great one the other day, you were walking, hey, here's three things you set it up, I'll I won't say whatever the hook was. But you set it up, I'm going to tell you this, which hooked me in to want to follow you for the three. A few weeks ago, I was I spoke on a previous show, a company hired me to go down and coach basically, a bunch of their top salespeople how to create videos for LinkedIn. And it was so simple. Basically, they just didn't know what to say, they didn't have a swim lane to start and they didn't want to look foolish, they were caught up like you saying, Hey, I don't have the right camera. And sometimes, you know, there's a saying, in hockey, "you just gotta throw your heart over the boards and your body will follow", like, just do it. And what we were doing with them is storytelling and saying, Hey, look, the hook at the beginning is you know, can you relate to this? And then, you know, the reason I asked is because I was talking to a customer and here's what that customer went through. So we're using that kind of storyline. And at the end, it was more of a humble oh, by the way, if you can relate to that disaster that guy had, maybe you want to call us. Anyway, I didn't I didn't do my university training where you are. But I learned from watching you online, big guy. So I'm following. Hey, first of all, congrats on being a dad three times over. I know you just recently had one, your eyes don't even show it by the way.


Kap Chatfield  33:47

Oh, man, that means the world because I feel it. I feel it today. But it's it's a blessing. Man. He's two months old and healthy, So,


Rick Lambert  33:55

It never ends, ya that roller coaster you talked about? Yeah, that one that one never ends anyway. Thanks, buddy. Now listen, I really appreciate you sharing your insights today because you come from a different angle on a very common goal. Wishing you and your team the best of luck. By the way, I think you guys are doing a great thing creating shows for businesses that just don't know really where to get started. Now if someone wants to engage with you Kap, what would you suggest? How do they find you?


Kap Chatfield  34:20

Man, I'm just trying to keep it really simple these days. I really believe in the power of using social media to build relationships. So you can find me on LinkedIn Kap, K AP Chatfield, search for me, I'm sure we will also put a link somewhere in the description of this video. I'll leave that to you, Rick, but here's what I would say is connect with me and please send me a direct message. And please don't try to sell me right away. Just we get so many DMS I'm sure you guys do too with people trying to you know sell your product right away. Just let me know that you heard heard me on The Smarketing Show. I'd just love to connect, I'm just I'm out here to build relationships and I know that that's, that's the greatest currency you can have. So please connect with me.


Rick Lambert  35:00

And guys and ladies watching Kap's a good dude, you can trust him, and he may be able to give even more ideas for your business. Anyway, Kap, thanks for so much for joining me today talking about storytelling. And hopefully our audience now is well prepared to start storytelling to win. Thanks and I'll see you next episode on The Smarketing Show.


Kap Chatfield  35:19

Absolutely. Thanks a lot, Rick.