B2B Podcasting | A show about B2B sales & marketing

The Ultimate Video Podcast Strategy - With Kap Chatfield and Jake Prieur

Written by Kap Chatfield | 11/22/21 6:49 PM
Video Podcasts are the marketing strategy solution you’ve been looking for   
The concept of a marketing strategy is overwhelming, not to mention the energy and time it requires to do it right. You want something that you can easily do that will speak to your customers, engage your audience, and boos your business. We get it, and we want to help.  
In this episode, you’ll get insight into what a Video Podcast Strategy looks like and how easy it is to understand and implement. We also share step-by-step instructions that any business owner or sales team could follow to increase revenue and engage your audience in an even greater way. 
If you’re tired of failed marketing “strategies” and want something that will authenticate your business in today’s digital age, then this episode is for you. 
Main Takeaways:
A Video Podcast Strategy is possible and easy 
How to identify your core message to connect with your audience
Scalable marketing can build a strong audience base 
How to leverage influence through competitors audiences
Rveal Media can help optimize your valuable time 
00:00-4:18 | The problems video podcast solves
4:19-11:44 | Finding your business core message
11:45-20:43 | How to research your podcast keywords
20:44-24:35 | Who is your competition and where do you fit?
24:36-30:42 | Learning how to foresee customer objections
30:43-35:53 | Connecting with thought leaders in your industry 
35:54-39:57 | How to create a list of episodes for your show 
39:58-40:46 | How Rveal Media can help with your video podcast
When you begin a podcast, you have to have the journey in mind.” - Kap Chatfield
What we believe is your core business is your core message, what you do as a business, that's really what you're trying to communicate to your audience.“ - Kap Chatfield
If you’re not telling your story, at scale in the digital world, you’re missing out on an opportunity to build your audience and grow your business.” - Kap Chatfield
We want to help business owners think about how to work in a more systematic way, to help them know they can actually drive revenue through their shows and through their content.” - Kap Chatfield
It comes back to being empathetic as a business owner and listening to your customer, listening to their needs, and understanding how do I meet their need. ” - Kap Chatfield
The quickest way to fail in business is to assume anything about your customers.” - Jake Prieur
The days of having a marketing division and a sales division of your company, having them be two separate entities, are over… it doesn't really make sense in the digital landscape that we're in today.” - Kap Chatfield
“For us,  the main problem that we're solving is we want to save you time.” - Kap Chatfield
Having these shows to answer audience objections is going to be super helpful to make business transactions a lot quicker and smoother than before.” - Jake Prieur
One of the easiest ways to get a lot of content done is to have other people on your show.” - Kap Chatfield
If you can be extremely clear about your message and really make that message as unique as possible, what you do then is actually eliminate competition.” - Kap Chatfield
“It's really about collaboration, it's not about it's not about competition at all.” - Kap Chatfield
“It's important to create content that actually provides value and doesn't come off as a sales pitch.” - Kap Chatfield
“At Rveal Media we help our  customers develop shows online, in the form of video podcasts, to scale their digital marketing.” - Kap Chatfield
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Full Transcription: 

Jake Prieur  0:20  

Today we're discussing your video podcast strategy and how to plan episodes for your podcast. How you doing? Kap?


Kap Chatfield  0:28  

I'm doing good. I'm excited for this one.


Jake Prieur  0:30  

Yeah, this is something we talked about so much. I'm surprised we haven't actually I'm sure we've talked about it on the podcast. But I'm surprised we haven't actually put this down as a as a proper show. So I'm really excited just to get into the nuts and bolts about how to plan the strategy for show. I think it probably is a perfect place to start with the problem. If we don't know what the problem is, there's no point in people listening to how to solve a problem. So what do you see as the problem that we're trying to overcome with this episode?


Kap Chatfield  1:02  

That's a great question. Well, I think it's pretty clear, there's a lot of businesses that are stepping into the realm of creating their own show, whether it's just an online show a talk show, a YouTube series, a video podcast, primarily, that's what we're gonna be focusing on today. So many businesses recognize that this is a a strong move in order to, you know, develop thought leadership, develop your network online, create content that actually helps with your marketing, and your sales strategy. But a lot of people who are in these business positions, they know that they want to do a podcast, but they don't necessarily know how to get started. And you and I know that when you begin a podcast, you have to have the journey in mind. This isn't something that you just start and decide to do whenever you feel like it. It's not something that you just accomplished in a weekend. You're embarking on a journey of consistency, of frequency and if you're going to do that, you want to make sure that you're going in the right direction. So you know, we've talked to business leaders who have had this concern of, I want to start a podcast, I want to start a video podcast, a show. I know, I understand conceptually, how it's going to help move my mission forward, how it's going to help grow my organization. But I don't, I can't really see the full map. How can I create a strategy for really a season, a full season of content for my video podcast? So that's exactly what we're going to cover today is just some tips to help people get started.


Jake Prieur  2:32  

That's good. Yeah. To add to that, I would say one problem that that this podcast will solve is, you know, we're in day and age, like you said, where people are starting podcasts, at a pretty regular clip. I mean, there's a lot of people who have podcasts. I can't remember the numbers, but it's a staggering number of people who have a show. There's a good reason for that. But the problem with it being oversaturated is you're not going to get to the top of the pack, unless you have a well thought out plan on how to do it. Especially if you're a thought leader, if you're getting started, or if you're just getting into it, like maybe you have a big company, but you've never really got into the podcast, you want to have a well thought out plan or else you're going to find yourself lost amongst the crowd, you're going to be spending a lot of money for not a lot of results. And so having a really thought well thought out plan is going to help you immensely as you get started. That's there anything else you want to add to that before we jump into it?


Kap Chatfield  3:33  

No, I think I think you nailed it. And I you know, this is not an exhaustive list. This is just a few things that we found really helpful as we have developed our own show. And have helped other customers and clients develop their shows. So this isn't the end all be all. This is something that we could refer back to later and kind of revise, but we are confident that if you take these few things seriously, it's going to set you up tremendously for for some real results from your show.


Jake Prieur  4:00  

Absolutely. All right, let's start where you should always start at the beginning: defining your core message. That is absolutely where you should start and probably where most people don't start. That's probably where they they stumble out of the blocks right off the bat. But defining your core message, Kap give us a little bit of an elaboration on that.


Kap Chatfield  4:22  

Well, I think you're right in regards to it's it's not where a lot of people start because when people begin doing a video podcast, a lot of time maybe it's just kind of how we're made as humans but we're attracted to flash, we're attracted to production, we're attracted to, if we see a colleague or somebody in our industry doing a podcast, we start to notice some of the details of, you know how a motion title might come in, or the audio quality or the microphones that people are using. And that's where we put our focus. And that can be that's a good thing. But that can kind of be a distraction from what really matters when you're beginning your show. And equipment matters, I'm not gonna say it doesn't matter. But if you don't have a core message that becomes the thread for all of the episodes that you create, you're going to lose your audience very quickly, they're not going to know what they're going to get from you. And so that's why we say that the first thing you need to do is to define your core message, I'm going to break down basically what that looks like. Because you might be wondering, as you're listening to this, what is my core message? And how do I define my core message? Well, really, what we believe is your core business is your core message. What you do as a business, that's really what you're trying to communicate about. And there's certainly examples of people that will create a podcast that might not be completely relevant to the work that they do, or even to their industry at all. And they're doing it more from an entertainment standpoint, but the people who are getting started, who want to make sure that this is going to be beneficial to their business in some way, whether it's driving traffic to their website, boosting brand awareness, you got to keep it around what your core business is. And so what we said, we listed out basically three different things that you can think about, in helping you define what your core message is, and reflecting back on what your core busines is and leveraging that for what your show will be about. So the first thing is to define the core problem that your business solves. And you know, for a lot of business leaders or organizational leaders, this shouldn't be super difficult. I mean, the fact that you are in business, it shows that you have understood that there's a problem in the marketplace, there's a problem in your industry that you want to solve. And your product or your service is a unique way to solve that problem. But you want to get clear on what that problem actually is. So Jake, for us, for example, and, you know, with a product that we've created with this, you know, this turn-key digital marketing solution, through online shows, through video podcasts, what we're doing for our customers, is not just giving them a video podcast. It's not just giving them a strategy for the digital marketing, what we're doing is worse helping them solve the time problem. Because we recognize that a lot of business leaders, they don't have time to create their own content, they don't have time to set up all this equipment to research the equipment to research their episodes, to record their episodes to post produce their episodes, to distribute their episodes, to write copy for their episodes, to run ads on their episodes. Like they don't have time for that, right? And so what we've discovered is there's a problem with time for our customers. But they at the same time know that if they're not telling their story, at scale in the digital digital world, they're missing out an opportunity to build their audience and grow their business. So you know, that's what we do with our product. And their, that problem that we solve has become the very topic that we cover with the podcast that we've created. So just as like a, as an application to anybody listening, if you're in that place where you want to start your show, but you don't know what your core message is, just come back to the simplicity of what's your business about? What problem does your business solve? And then focus on solving that problem for an audience through the content that you create. So that's the first part is defining the core problem your business solves. The second part is going to be defining the core audience that you solve it for. So not everybody is going to be interested in the product or service that you provide. And not everybody is going to be interested in the content that you create. So don't be afraid about being extremely clear and even narrow about the core audience that you are creating your business for, or creating your content for but get clear on it. Because the clearer you are, if you could even imagine that that persona on the other side of the screen, as you're communicating, it's going to help you keep that message on point and clear. So that that audience would actually feel like, as they're listening to your content, oh, my goodness, it's like the show was created just for me. This is exactly what I needed. So make it really clear in your mind who that person is, who that audience is. And then finally, number three, define how you specifically solve that problem for that person. So in our example, Jake, as I mentioned, you know, we're thinking about that business leader, that organizational leader, their problem is they want to create content, they know they need to create content, but they don't have the time for it, and they don't have the systems for it. And so how do we solve that for them as a business? Well, you know, we create these marketing strategies. We've created this, this turn-key product through these video podcasts that we do. But through our show, what we're doing is we're creating content to help them understand digital marketing, to help them think about how to do it in a more systematic way, to help them know how they can actually drive revenue out of doing their shows and out of their content. And so that becomes the focus for our show. And it's completely parallel to the business that we have.

Jake Prieur  9:55  

Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. You know, as your as you're going through these, I couldn't help but think about how we started this, this podcast ourselves. We went through our core message and we do it every single show. Now I'll reiterate it for our listeners. Welcome to Rveal Remarkable, a show that helps thought leaders reveal their visions and grow their organizations through story centric content. Just in that simple sentence, we've already outlined our entire core message. We've hinted at what the problem is, we're talking to our audience. And we've defined how we're going to solve their problem throughout those that wording. And that logline really does explain exactly what our core message is, and who we're, again, who our audience, what the problem is, and how we solve it. And it's, it's important to start there, because it took us a while just to get to that one sentence for this podcast.


Kap Chatfield  11:02  

Yeah, that's true. But that is I mean, once we got back to that place that that logline as you said, one sentence, it makes it really clear for us it helps us understand, okay, is the episode we're gonna do or we want to do is that for our audience? Does it solve the problem that we solve as a business? And so that's, it's been a really great filter for us to make sure that we're on track with our message. 


Jake Prieur  11:25  

Yeah, absolutely. All right, so we've defined our core message. And then next makes complete sense, start researching your keywords. Start doing some research on, on your core message itself. Unpack this for us Kap.


Kap Chatfield  11:43  

Yeah, so you know, sometimes, we can think we can think that we know what our customer wants us to talk about, or what or what features our customer wants us to add to the product or whatever. I'm thinking about, even for SAS products, for software, I love the button, that feedback button on on a piece of software. Because what that does is it communicates to me as a customer that they actually want to know what I'm interested in about this product so that they can actually provide a solution to a hiccup that I'm that I'm hitting when I'm using their product or a feature that I think would be beneficial. And it's it comes back to being empathetic as a business owner, and listening to your customer, listening to their need, and understanding how do I meet their need, and not just assume that I am scratching that itch for them. And that's exactly the same philosophy behind researching your keywords for the content that you're going to create before you begin creating any content. And what that looks like simply is researching keywords on Google. And because we're talking about a video podcast format, specifically, also researching keywords on YouTube. So this is something that we do for ourselves and our company with our show. And this is something that we also recommend for our clients to do and we help them do, is actually research specific keywords that their target audience is actually searching for on the internet. Because you can see very definitively through some tools that I'll go over, you can see how many, you know, how, what's the search volume of a specific keyword? What's the competition around that that keyword? You can see what are some things that people have already published before, whether it's an article or a video or an episode for a podcast. And that can give you a lot of information about hey, this is what they're looking for. This is what they care about. Do we have what it takes to be competitive on this keyword, whether it's the content that we create, or just the the clout that we have. And it allows you to create a very strategic roadmap roadmap for what content you should be creating for that, for that audience. And I just want to go over to specific tools, I want to be very practical here to help anybody who's in that place of like, okay, I want to do some research, I want to understand how we can find what keywords we should be covering. So there's a couple tools, there's they're Google Chrome extensions that you can get if you're using Google Chrome as your browser. The first one is called TubeBuddy. This is something that we use as a company. And one thing that's really beneficial about this, this is entirely for YouTube SEO. And what you're able to do is you're able to look at the data around specific keywords, search terms. Give you another hint right now if you're going to create an episode that you want to be found on YouTube, think about phrases that begin with the words "how to", because "how to" phrases on YouTube are sought out probably more than anything. And why does YouTube matter? By the way, YouTube is the second most popular website on the internet. People are constantly going to YouTube to search things. So I would recommend creating a list of words that you're already using for your company, for your business, to describe your core message as for your business to your customers. Create a list of those keywords and variations of those keywords. Do a little bit of research with this free tool. It's a free tool you can use, you can subscribe to a, you know, a pro version of it to get more access to more features. But this will help you see how many people are actually searching for this topic that we want to cover? And do we have what it takes to be competitive for that keyword? The second tool I want to recommend is this tool called Keywords Everywhere. It's the same sort of thing as far as a Chrome extension. And you can, I'm sure you could use this on different browsers. But for the sake of simplicity, if you have it on Google Chrome, you're able to literally go on Google, search a key word in the search bar, and then through this, this Chrome extension, Keywords Everywhere, it'll populate all that information about traffic and, and how many clicks, and how many searches for that specific keyword under the search bar. So it's right there on Google, it's an extremely simple way for you to to find out what people are searching for. And you might be wondering, Well, why would Google matter for my content? Well, I just told you that YouTube is the second most popular website on the internet, the number one website that that YouTube trails behind is Google. And Google owns YouTube. So if you're focusing on creating, I know, it's kind of kind of crazy, they've just totally monopolize the world of search and all this data on the internet. But if you're thinking about how do I create content that's searchable on both of these platforms? You're going to increase your chances of getting that content found by your core audience. And this is the last thing that I'll say because this is something that we just discovered a little while ago. And it's it's super interesting, because Google just rolled out this feature. Google is now using podcasts as part of their search query results. So when you search something on Google, because Google has a podcast platform, you might see like if you if you search, like "How to change a tire" on Google, you might see some articles, then you might also see some YouTube videos, because Google owns YouTube, you might see some YouTube videos that pop up about how to change a tire. But you also might see a podcast that helps explain how to change a tire or whatever that topic is that you're looking at. Because what Google's doing, to Google podcasts, is they're transcribing the full episode. They're like, their the robots in the background are transcribing that full episode that you've recorded and uploaded, and it's taking all of that information and it's using that for the search results on Google. So if you're, if you're doing that sort of research on the front end, I can guarantee you it's going to really help the possibility of your content being found by your core audience. It's pretty cool.


Jake Prieur  17:39  

Yeah, yeah. And I can already I can already assume, I can already hear people saying, "But Kap, that sounds so incredibly boring. That sounds like so time consuming. I don't want to do that". Let me tell you this. This is a super important step in order to get your podcast, your show, your voice, your up to your audience, you need to do this in order to get to the audience you want to reach. Yes, you can just skip this step, you could start recording anything you want to record, and you might hit, you might hit it every once in a while. But more than likely, you're going to you're going to completely miss your audience. Because the quickest way to fail in business is to assume anything about your customers. If you assume anything, you're probably going to be off or at least off enough that's going to affect your business. So do the work. Do the research. Understand what it is your customers, your audience are, are wanting and understand what they're already looking for. By doing this step, you're actually understanding what are people actively typing into Google or to YouTube? What questions are they asking? And then you create your, your podcast and your episodes around what they're already searching. Perfect example. Let's go back to the logline. We went through just the beginning this episode. So the second half of our logline, we say, "We're the hosts, Jake and Kap of Rveal media, and today we're discussing your video podcast strategy, and how to plan episodes for your podcast." We didn't choose those words, flippantly. Those are specifically pulled out of the research that we've done and what people are actually looking for. They're looking for video podcast strategy. How do you plan episodes for your podcast? And so we did the research and now we're creating content that we know people are actively looking for. The easiest way I could put this is if you're looking to sell lemonade, you're going to want to go where people are at and who are looking for lemonade. You're not going to go start selling it in the Sahara Desert. Yeah, they probably want it in the Sahara Desert, but no one's there. Go to the busy corner, figure out where they're at, figure out where they're going and put yourself there. And that's what this research should keywords for Google and YouTube really helps you do is find where people are at. Find what they want, start selling them the things that they actually want.

Kap Chatfield  20:06  

Oh, good. I'm thirsty for some lemonade now. Strawberry lemonade with a yes, mint.


Jake Prieur  20:15  



Kap Chatfield  20:16  

We're in Omaha, Nebraska. It's so humid outside. So it'd be so good. I'm gonna have to, yeah, stop by Chick Fil A and grab something.


Jake Prieur  20:25  

All right, before we before we, Yeah, I know, before we tailspin this into into a food podcast, let's move to the second half of your research. So you've already researched the keywords for Google and YouTube, you've understood what people want to see in, in, in the episodes what sort of information they're actively looking for. But now you actually need to research, Who's your competition? But even beyond that, what are other people doing? What is their niche? How is it similar to what you're trying to do? And is there room for you to coexist? Typically there is, but you want to the second half of this research is understanding what podcasts are already out there and what they're doing.


Kap Chatfield  21:09  

Yep, that's exactly right. And this, this is a really simple thing to research, it does take a little bit of time, if if you want to be as confident as possible about what content you should be creating. But even with the tools I just explained, especially Tubebuddy, you can find if you're looking at specific words, you can find as you look at the keyword all the all the videos that would pop up on the YouTube search page, after you've sought out that term. And there's some things that you can look at, you can look at, how many views do they have? What descriptions are they putting in the description box? How many subscribers do these people have? How many likes do the videos have? Here's another thing I would say, click the video and actually look at the comments on that video. Because a lot of the time we'll see people are asking questions, they're giving feedback in the comments. And that is a really great indicator of, "what do people actually want? Are they finding this stuff valuable? Or is? Or is the video or the content that was put out, is it missing something? And you can you could do like basically social proof research through the comments and see, hey, a lot of people are asking this one question. In fact, this one person asked this question, and they got 100, they got 300, they got 1000 likes on that comment, which would indicate that a lot of people have that same question. So what you can then do is create an episode, maybe make it a little bit shorter. I mean, sometimes you know that when when we're searching things on the internet, we would prefer content that's a lot easier to digest. Not too short, where we would recognize that it doesn't, it won't possibly provide the value that we want. But if we can get the same or even better information in a shorter amount of time, then that's extremely valuable to the viewer. So think about how you can condense that information, make it clearer. And then what I would also say is start looking at thumbnails. So look at the this, it sounds like super, you know, superficial but when you when you are searching something on YouTube, the thumbnail, the quality, the the visual quality of that thumbnail, that's going to be what draws people to click a video in that in that first page on YouTube is, Does it look professional? Does it look engaging? Does it does it actually stop the scroll and grab my attention? So if you can kind of create that checklist of here's what all the other people are doing in this field regarding that topic, and then find ways to just improve on those different things, it's gonna make your your content a lot more, a lot more competitive in that space. But you know, we talked a lot about YouTube, and people might be wondering, well, what about podcast platforms? Well, you can certainly do the same thing there. I mean, it's not, when you're on, you know, searching for an episode on a podcast platform, you're not looking at thumbnails like you're looking at them on YouTube, but you can certainly see you can look up a keyword and see what are people talking about, regarding this specific topic? And make sure that you're structuring your episode title and your description, using the keywords that those people are using. And also think about how can you make your content richer than the episodes that you're competing against.


Jake Prieur  24:18  

That's good. All right, let's move to the next one. I'm particularly I like this one, because this is one that most people would skip over. This is not a such a obvious one, like, what's your core message? Do your research those are pretty obvious. Listing out objections that you would experience throughout your buyer cycle of your product or service. That's one that people don't usually or wouldn't naturally think through. So let's I'd love to hear your thoughts on why is it important to actually define your objections in the buyer cycle?


Kap Chatfield  24:53  

Well, it's super important to define your objections because one thing that we've discovered is that the world or excuse me, the days of having a marketing plan, and a sales plan, or marketing division and a sales division of your company, having them be two separate entities, those days are just over. It doesn't really make sense in the digital landscape that we're in, because a lot of the time, people are on this journey of they want to educate themselves about your product. We talked about this on a previous episode episode about show marketing in general. And we'll link that episode in the show notes so that you can go back and check that one out for more details on this, but one thing that we talked about in that episode was that people don't like being sold to because they feel like they're playing defense. They want to feel like they're playing offense. They want to feel like they're in control. They want to feel like they're searching out the information and they're able to find the information. And then when they want to talk to a sales rep, they can. And so it's important to think through how do you have this conversation with the customer, where you're able to overcome objections that they might have in their mind as they're reviewing their, your, your product or your service. How do you overcome those objections if you're not actually on the phone with them or not actually in front of them? Well, if you have a sales team, talk to your sales team about what what objections they regularly overcome, or need to overcome when they're on the sales call, or when they're in the sales email or when they're with that, that that prospect face to face. And I you know, ideally you want to boil this down to maybe we wrote down 3 to 10. If you can find three to 10 objections that you're you're constantly butting up against, maybe its price, maybe it's how long it takes for the thing to work or maybe the quality, or whatever it might be, there could be a lot of different objections. But find those 3 to 10 that you find consistently, and start thinking about how you could create content around those objections. And I want to give you an example of how this would look. So for us in our company, you know, we're creating, as I mentioned, these turn-key digital marketing solutions through video podcasts. One of the questions or one of the objections that our customer might ask him or might have is, I don't have the time to help create this strategy. Well, for us, it's, you know, that's the, that's the main problem that we're solving is we want to save you time. So what we do is, we could create a podcast, not not coming off too salesy, but the point of it is how to create, let's say, just give you an example, how to create a month's worth of content in as little as 30 minutes, or as little as 60 minutes, or whatever it is. So now what you're doing is, you're creating an episode that would provide value to that audience that they would be interested in. But what you're doing is you're actually subtly teaching them about how you think about your business, how you think about your product, or your service. And you're overcoming that objection in that episode. So it hits both worlds, you're serving the audience that might not even know about your product yet. But then this ep this episode that you've created, you can actually give that to your sales team and say, hey, I want you to listen to this episode, I want you to be fully equipped to understand how we overcome that objection. And then if you have someone on the call that does have that objection, you can explain it to them, or you can point them to this episode or to this PDF or to this article. And that way they can read it on their own. So it becomes a really resourceful way for for businesses to know how to create, you know, a specific number of episodes of content that would actually be meaningful to that audience and help them build their business.


Jake Prieur  28:43  

Yeah, and and you touched on the idea that buyers these days are doing a lot more research on the front end than they used to do. You know, the sales cycle predominantly was built up of, of interactions with that salesperson was a larger portion, a lot larger chunk of the overall sales cycle from start to finish. I'd say nowadays, it's that interaction with a salesperson is significantly less because so much time of the sales cycle is being spent on the front end, where the buyer is doing their own research. And so to your point, again, you touched on this as if you've already created those 3 to 10 objection episodes, and that buyer watches those, you've already overcome almost all of their over, over all of their main objections, so that when they do get to talk to your salesperson, they're pretty much already been sold on your product or your service. So when the salesperson gets on, right, that that transaction is actually going to happen a lot faster, a lot smoother. There's gonna be less time for the salesperson, if they're gonna have to spend with that prospect. And so they're able to spend more time doing something else while while you know the buyers doing their research. So they get a sales cycle where the salesperson is involved is a lot less, it's a more efficient and less costly experience. So having those those shows, answering those objections is going to be super helpful to help onboard or excuse me, make that transaction a lot quicker and smoother than it did before.


Kap Chatfield  30:24  

Yeah, absolutely.


Jake Prieur  30:27  

All right, let's move on to the second, the last one, identifying thought leaders in your industry who could actually come on your show. Kap, explain your thought on I'd love to hear your thought on why is it important even to start thinking about who's going to be on your show at this juncture of, of this building your own podcast stage.


Kap Chatfield  30:50  

Again, this is about efficiency. So we're trying to find ways right now to help to help people who are going to begin a video podcast, how to help them plan out an entire season's worth of content. And I can tell you that one of the easiest ways to get a lot of content done is to have other people on your show, because then you don't have to create the content, you're really mining the content out of your guest. And so I would recommend having a you know, leveraging different people and having kind of this hybrid model where you're maybe creating some original content yourself, but you're also inviting people on your show to save you some time. But also expand your network. Because if you have other people on your show, and they particularly have their own network, then your content becomes something that they can share. And now you're actually tapping into a greater pool of people that might actually become a customer of yours, down the road. And so what we talked about here was identifying four to seven other thought leaders in your industry that you could have on your show. And the tension, you might be thinking is, well, why would I want to have somebody in my industry on my show, when they would be a competitor to me? Well, I want to, I want to come back to that first thing that we talked about what that message, because if you can be extremely clear about your message, and really make that message as as unique as possible, what you do then is you actually eliminate competition. If you're if you make your message really general, then yeah, if you have another person who's either in the marketing industry, or in the real estate industry, or in the you know, in the legal world, or in the medical world, or whatever, then yeah, that might feel kind of like competition, because you're you know, you feel like your topic talking about the same topic. But if you can be very clear about what makes you different then having other people on your show, it's really about collaboration, it's not about it's not about competition at all. And they would actually get some benefit out of being on your show, too, because they get to use that content for their own purposes, as well. So I would, I would really try to lean away from being afraid of competition when it comes to this and think about remember, come back to the problem that you solve for your audience. Get out of your own shoes for a second and just remember your audience and what do they really need. Now, if you can invite somebody on your show that would actually provide value to that audience, that's going to help you in the long run. So be thinking about that. And as you're thinking about your thought leaders, there's a couple, there's a couple things I would consider to really kind of be filters for which thought leaders to have on that show. The first one would be to find thought leaders that actually have networks that you want to be associated with. It doesn't mean that you can't have people that are the outliers here and there. But if you want to be strategic, if you want to be resourceful, you want to make sure that the people that you have on your show you having access to their network is actually going to be beneficial for your business, hypothetically, if they wanted to actually do business with you. So be thinking about, you know, be observant, think about these thought leaders, people in your industry and ask yourself, do I want to have access to their audience? Do I want to be associated with that person? If the answer is yes, shoot them an email, invite them on your show. If the answer's no, then you can move on to the next person. But then the second filter that I would recommend is to find thought leaders that have actually already created content that's been sought out on the internet. So this could be a blog that they're writing or a periodical or a podcast that they're that they're producing. Videos that they're creating, or an e-book that they've written and is being sold out on Amazon. The reason why is because if they're a thought leader that nobody's ever heard of, then you leveraging their name and you leveraging the you know, even referring to content that they've created on your show, it's not going to help drive up your search engine optimization, your SEO. But if they have created content, that maybe they've written a book or something and you can link the book or put the book in the title of your episode, now what you're doing is you're creating an episode where people who are who might be actually searching about that piece of content on the internet, now your your episode with that person is likely to pop up on the search results. So those are the two things that I would recommend the filters. Number one, think about the audience that they have, and do you want to be associated with that person? And do you want to be be made known amongst that audience? And then is that thought leader actually creating content that could help you and find in your content being more discoverable amongst that audience?

Jake Prieur  35:38  

That's great. All right, let's, let's final, let's bring this boat home, we have one more step. This is where everything kind of comes together. This is where you've taken: Number one, you've defined your core message. You've number two researched keywords on Google and YouTube. Three, you've done the research on what's already out there, what are the podcasts have already been created? What other shows have been created? You've created some objections that your clientele already have. You've identified some thought leaders who might be able to be on your show. And now it's time to actually create your shortlist of different episode topics, and then begin creating. Kap break it down.


Kap Chatfield  36:21  

Alright, so the first thing I want to talk about as you've done all this research, now, I would recommend creating a season of 12 episodes. 12 is kind of an arbitrary number. But the benefit of 12 is that it's one episode per month of the year, if you want to do two episodes a month, then that's, you know, half a year's worth of content. And so what I would recommend is actually doing kind of like you split it up. So maybe four episodes that you do are episodes that you've sought out on the internet, or topics you've sought out on Google or YouTube, and you know that they'd be meaningful to that audience. Maybe the next four, and you obviously kind of like, you know, interweave them so it's not like you do your first four on this thing and then your, your next four, you know, you could interweave them so that there's there's a good flow to them. But let's just say the next four would be those objections, answering objections that your customer would have on the sales call, but positioning in a way that would make sense to somebody that doesn't even know about your product. And then the final four would be interviews, interviewing some, some thought leaders in your industry that you think would be beneficial to your audience, but then would also help you become well more known to their audiences, as well. So it's super simple. That's why I wanted to break it down like this. It's really, it's really attainable when you're approaching it like this. But as you create this content, you've structured your season, this is what I want you to be thinking about per episode is to take time, to make the content really meaningful. I mean, we talked about researching what other people have created around those topics that you might be trying to compete against, don't rush into it, make sure that you're actually spending time to make these pieces of content, something that you know, would provide value to your audience. The second thing that I would say is it's kind of in tandem with the first one, is don't make these episodes, sales pitches. That's not the goal, because I don't know about you, Jake, but I have a sixth sense on the internet now, where I know when I'm being sold to. And we tend to, we tend to just tune out ads that we scroll past on on social media and we skip the we skip ads, we hit that skip ads button on YouTube as soon as we see a five second ad come up. And so we were hardwired to just kind of gloss over those. It's important in that regard to create content that actually provides value and doesn't come off as a sales pitch. The third thing that I would say is remember, your content is meant to drive your business forward, is meant to grow your organization. And so don't be shy to add a sponsorship in your episodes to talk about hey, this is our company this is what we do, this show is brought to you by you know whatever your company is, offer a promo code. Don't make it too long because you don't want to lose attention. But don't be afraid to consistently plug your business because this is your show. You get to own the sponsorship space on your show you get to own the ad space on your show. Just don't be obnoxious about it. It's kind of as simple as that. And then make that call to action really clear every episode just make sure that you're pointing people to the direction where if they want to learn more about your product, they will know where to go. So I think it's a great transition Jake to talk about our call to action, our sponsorship


Jake Prieur  39:39  

I'll do the same thing go for it 


Kap Chatfield  39:40  

For this show, so what we do at Rveal Media is we help our we help our customers develop shows, online shows in the form of video podcasts to scale their digital marketing. So that really they could in as little as 60 minutes a month, they can scale all their marketing through social media, through podcasts, through blogs, through so through ads, things like that. And we, we love what we get to do. We're passionate about it. And we'd love to help you if you're in a place right now where you're a business owner, and you want your digital marketing to make sense, perhaps for the first time and you want it to be clear, and you want to produce results, and you want to save time from doing it so that you don't have to try to think about the strategy on your own. We'd love to help you out. What we're doing right now is we're just doing free demos. So if you want to go to our website, go to Rveal R V E A L dot media, you could book a demo with our team. We'd love to just walk you through our product, how it works, and how it might be a good fit for your business. So check that out today. Again, the website is R V E A L dot media and we'd love to help you start the show.


Jake Prieur  40:47  

Perfect. Appreciate it. Kap


Kap Chatfield  40:51  

Yep, thanks a lot, Jake.